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Unity - ToB Game (Recruiting)


Yes, but Battle Sorcerer has to take Armor Proficiency (medium) first, then take Battle Caster -- 2 feats gone. Warmage gets the combination for free at 8th level.

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I looked at it, and I have decided to change the mechanics behind my concept a little bit...basically the concept is one man, one blade, no frills.

I think it'll do him better as a monk2/warblade4. After looking at the swordsage, I am a little underwhelmed. As for the Warblade, I was wondering if a doable bonus would be allowing the bonus feats to be pulled from the fighter list instead of the Warblade list?

I am still a little up in the air on how I want to build my guy...I might change my mind all together!


First Post
Any chance I could take the half-minotaur template as my bonus? Its from a Dragon mag, so I'll understnad if the answer is no. But the details are available on Crystal Keep's template section. If so, I've got a cool pic.

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First Post
This may or may not be in line with the theme that you have stated but what heck:

How about a Warforged Psyonic Warrior with a dip into the Warforged Juggernaunt PrC? As a the 'free bonus' character gets full BaB? Let me know.

If not I can draw up something else.



First Post
@hafrogman-Looks good so far. The winged template is fine as your bonus, and you can even keep a +2 dex bonus along with the wings.

@Azaar-Well either warmage or battle sorcerer is fine (or anything else you choose) and it looks like ya'll have identified some of the advantages of either choice. Just keep in mind that mithral medium armor is treated as light armor, so that can help a little.

@ByteRynn-Sounds interesting. It would be fine to take fighter bonus feats. Actually, I would allow the character to combine the two lists of feats, so they could take bonus feats from either one.

@Voidrazor-The template is fine and I like the pic!

@Bloodweaver-Are you saying just PW/Warforged Juggernaut without any ToB classes? As I've said before, I'm not going to disallow concepts like that, but I prefer people use stuff from that book.


Yeah, mithral chainmail would be nice. IIRC, you still have to have Armor Proficiency (medium) before you can wear the chainmail proficiently, though. At least, that's the way I've understood it to be from what I've heard here and at the WoTC forums.

By the way, does anyone know where a list of LA +1 templates are? The cheapest one I've found so far is a Libris Mortis[/b] template: the half-vampire at LA +2. I'm gonna look through my other 3.5 books and see what there is.


First Post
Azaar said:
Yeah, mithral chainmail would be nice. IIRC, you still have to have Armor Proficiency (medium) before you can wear the chainmail proficiently, though. At least, that's the way I've understood it to be from what I've heard here and at the WoTC forums.

Well as a DM I treat the mithral as being one category lighter for ALL purposes, including proficiency. I know some people disagree with that interpretation of the rules, but I also have the 3.5 FAQ on my side. :) (Keep in mind though that I tend to disregard the FAQ as a DM when it disagrees with me)

3.5 FAQ said:
Is a character proficient with light armor, such as a
rogue, considered to be proficient with mithral breastplate?
What about a character proficient with medium armor,
such as a barbarian—is he considered proficient with
mithral full plate armor?
The description of mithral on page 284 of the DUNGEON
MASTER’s Guide is less precise than it could be in defining how
it interacts with armor proficiency rules. The simplest answer—
and the one that the Sage expects most players and DMs use—
is that mithral armor is treated as one category lighter for all
purposes, including proficiency. This isn’t exactly what the
DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide says, but it’s a reasonable
interpretation of the intent of the rule (and it’s supported by a
number of precedents, including the descriptions of various
specific mithral armors described on page 220 of the DUNGEON
MASTER’s Guide and a variety of NPC stat blocks).

By the way, does anyone know where a list of LA +1 templates are? The cheapest one I've found so far is a Libris Mortis[/b] template: the half-vampire at LA +2. I'm gonna look through my other 3.5 books and see what there is.

You can find many of them here.


Ahh, okay. I should read the FAQ a bit more often, then. Thanks for that, and for the list. Hopefully I'll have something nailed down soon. :)


First Post
Here is my character submission.

'Brother Eclipse'
Human Swordsage 3 / Monk 2 / Shadow Sun Ninja 1

'Brother Eclipse' was fortunate enough to be born to a servant family at the Temple of the Nine where he was introduced to the ways of the brother adepts. Although an indifferent study in the histories and lore of the way, he was quite an avid student of the practical applications of the Shadow Sun discipline. Seeing such aptitude for that discipline in the child, the brothers strove to impart within him their strong sense of the morality and ethics of their discipline so that the child would have the inner strength to resist the temptation to fall completely into the Shadow.

Under the tutelege of the Shadowspeaker of the Shadow Sun, 'Eclipse' advanced quickly in the discipline until he finally achieved the breakthrough necessary to tap into the energies of both the Shadow and the Light. Now that 'Eclipse' has fully touched the dichotomy of the philosophy of their discipline, the Shadowspeaker has declared it is time for him to go out and see how his insight can change the world.

'Eclipse' is a solemn young man slightly above average in height with black hair and a dusky olive complexion. Athletic and utterly calm in almost any situation, he seems at home in the shadows where he moves with a fluidity and grace that is nearly unnatural. Only in purely social situations does his calm seem forced as he is notably unfamiliar with the world outside of the brotherhood that raised him.

STR 16 +3
DEX 17 +3 (+1 at 4th level)
CON 14 +2
INT 10 +0
WIS 18 +4
CHA  8 -1

HD 6d8 + 12  (55 hp)
Initiative: +4 (3 Dex + 1 Quick to Act)
AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 Wis)

     [using normal method];    [using fractional base]
Fort   8 (6 base + 2 Con);        8 (6.5 base + 2 Con)
Ref   11 (8 base + 3 Dex);       12 (9 base + 3 Dex)
Will  12 (8 base + 4 Wis);       13 (9 base + 4 Wis)

BAB +3 (2 Ssg + 1 Mnk + 0 Ssn); +4 (2.25 Ssg + 1.5 Monk + .75 SSn)

Skills:            Total = Ranks + Ab Mod + Misc
Balance               10 =   5   +   3    +  2
Concentration         11 =   9   +   2
Hide                  11 =   8   +   3
Jump                  10 =   5   +   3    +  2
Know (History)         1 =   1
Know (Local)           1 =   1
Know (The Planes)      1 =   1
Martial Lore           1 =   1
Move Silently         11 =   8   +   3
Sense Motive          13 =   9   +   4
Tumble                14 =   9   +   3    +  2

1) Simple Weapons Proficiency
1) Martial Melee Weapons Proficiency
1) Light Armor Proficiency
1) Adaptive Style
1) Unnerving Calm
2) Monk Weapons Proficiency
2) Improved Unarmed Strike
2) Stunning Fist
3) Combat Reflexes
3) Falling Sun Attack
6) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)

Maneuvers [(r) readied]:
1) Child of Shadow - Shadow Hand lvl 1
4) Step of the Wind - Setting Sun lvl 1
Bracers) Leaping Dragon Stance - Tiger Claw lvl 3

1) Burning Blade - Desert Wind lvl 1 (r)
1) Sudden Leap - Tiger Claw lvl 1

1) Counter Charge - Setting Sun lvl 1
6) Baffling Defense - Setting Sun Lvl 2 (r)

1) Clinging Shadow Strike - Shadow Hand lvl 1 (r)
1) Mighty Throw - Setting Sun lvl 1
1) Sapphire Nightmare Blade - Diamond Mind lvl 1 (r)
4) Drain Vitality - Shadow Hand lvl 2 (r)
5) Mountain Hammer - Stone Dragon lvl 2

Swordsage Abilities:
* Quick to Act +1
* Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus - Shadow Hand)
* AC Bonus (add Wis mod to AC when unencumbered in Light Armor or less)

Monk Abilities:
* AC Bonus (add Wis mod +1/5 class levels to AC when unencumbered with no armor)
* Bonus Feat (Stunning Fist)
* Flurry of Blows
* Unarmed Strike
* Bonus Feat (Combat Reflexes)
* Evasion
* Unarmored Speed Bonus (+10 ft)

Shadow Sun Ninja Abilities:
* Monk Abilities (SSNinja levels stack with Monk levels for many Monk ablities)
* Touch of the Shadow Sun

Equipment (19000 gp):
Spiked Chain +1                     (2325 gp)
Heward's Handy Haversack            (2000 gp)
Ring of Protection +1               (2000 gp)
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1           (6000 gp)
Tiger Claw Bracers, Novice          (3000 gp)
Vest of Resistance +1               (1000 gp)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x5) (1500 gp)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x5)    ( 250 gp) [18075 gp]
Alchemist's Fire (x5)               ( 100 gp) [18175 gp]
Masterwork Silver Dagger            ( 320 gp) [18495 gp]
Everburning Torch                   ( 110 gp) [18605 gp]
Sling & 50 Bullets                  (  .5 gp)
Sack (x5)                           (  .5 gp) [18606 gp]
Rope, Silk 50' (4 coils)            (  40 gp) [18646 gp]
Small Steel Mirror                  (  10 gp) [18656 gp]
Monk's Outfit (x3)
Signal Whistle
Trail Rations (10 days)
Waterskin (x4)
Winter Blanket
Flint & Steel

I'm still working on equipment & trying to decide what to take for the GM bonus. If you have any suggestions, I welcome hearing them.
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