Unpopular Geek Media Opinions


Lord of the depths
Curb Your Enthusiasm Ok GIF

Sharknado 3 Cheers GIF by SYFY

All The Time Neon Rated GIF by NEON
I am drinking rum and tonic because i accidentally asked my wife to get bacardi instead of seagrams. cheap gin is ok with me too…

i know. low class!

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I am drinking rum and tonic because i accidentally asked my wife to get bacardi instead of seagrams. cheap gin is ok with me too…

i know. low class!
Nah, Bacardi has its place. I'm currently reading Smuggler's Cove and have a new appreciation for Bacardi in mixed drinks.

(But also a much lower appreciation on Captain Morgan, although the book does explain how to make a superior spiced rum at home, which looks fun and easy and is definitely something my wife and I will be doing soon.)

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