Today's official announcement about the Elemental Evil storyline mentioned Princes of the Apocalypse, a new DM screen, miniatures, video games... but not the Adventurer's Handbook! This could mean nothing, of course. The book was first announced last year, back in August; but the below screenshot from Edelweiss shows it as cancelled. The mystery deepens!

Today's official announcement about the Elemental Evil storyline mentioned Princes of the Apocalypse, a new DM screen, miniatures, video games... but not the Adventurer's Handbook! This could mean nothing, of course. The book was first announced last year, back in August; but the below screenshot from Edelweiss shows it as cancelled. The mystery deepens!

UPDATE: WotC's Mike Mearls answers "We can't cancel a book we never announced!" So that sounds like the Adventurer's Handbook will definitely not be appearing. WotC certainly wrote ad copy and designed a cover for the book (see below). Mike added "we've played things close to the vest is that it's a huge, open question on what support for the RPG should look like... we do a lot of stuff that may or may not end up as a released product. For instance, we now know that the high volume release schedule for 3e and 4e turned out to be bad for D&D. It wasn't too many settings that hurt TSR, but too many D&D books of any kind. lots of experiments ahead..."

Here's the cancellation screenshot. Now, that could mean a number of things - maybe it's been pushed back, maybe it's been renamed, or maybe it's just an admin error. Princes of the Apolocaypse has been pushed back from March 17 to April 7.


What do we know about the book? We have a description from August 2014 and a more recent cover image. Right now, anything could be true; I haven't heard anything about a cancellation or a pushed back release date. If I do, I'll be sure to report it.


Adventurer's Handbook (March 17, 2015; hardcover; $39.95) -- A Dungeons & Dragons Accessory.

Create Heroic Characters to Conquer the Elements in this Accessory for the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game​

Not inherently evil, elemental power can be mastered by those with both malevolent and benign intentions. The Elemental Evil Adventurer’s Handbook provides everything that players need to build a character that is tied directly into the Elemental Evil story arc, with skills, abilities, and spells meant to augment their play experience throughout the campaign. Additionally, valuable background and story information provides greater depth and immersion.

An accessory that expands the number of options available for character creation for the Elemental Evil story arc, providing expanded backgrounds, class builds, and races meant specifically for this campaign.

Provides background and setting information critical to having the greatest chance of success.

Accessory design and development by Sasquatch Game Studio LLC.​


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Sailor Moon

If I'm to be honest here, I'm glad it got dropped. I also wish the rest of these lame niche products would get dropped as well.

I want more generic supplements and adventures released for the core game while the more niche products be released with their respective settings.

I'm not a fan of these tie in with video game products, especially based on a mediocre game such as Neverwinter.

They've done great with the three core but outside of that, I don't see it looking too good for D&D.

I really wish a company that was just focused on table top gaming would take control of D&D.

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As an aside, I never see Paizo cast in such a negative light when they change release dates or cancel titles.

The biggest part of that is that Paizo are simply much smaller. D&D, and especially shiny new editions of D&D, are just news in a way that Pathfinder simply isn't.

But the other big factor is that Paizo are remarkably up-front and open in their communications. They announce products well in advance, they let their fans know what's coming, and they maintain first-rate customer service. That buys a lot of goodwill, and it means that when they do have to delay or cancel something they can make the announcement safe in the knowledge that their fans will accept it without too much grief.

There are many reasons why WotC simply can't operate like Paizo, so this isn't a "WotC should be more like them" rant. But there is a reason the companies get treated differently, and it's not just a matter of double standards being applied.

Sailor Moon

The biggest part of that is that Paizo are simply much smaller. D&D, and especially shiny new editions of D&D, are just news in a way that Pathfinder simply isn't.

But the other big factor is that Paizo are remarkably up-front and open in their communications. They announce products well in advance, they let their fans know what's coming, and they maintain first-rate customer service. That buys a lot of goodwill, and it means that when they do have to delay or cancel something they can make the announcement safe in the knowledge that their fans will accept it without too much grief.

There are many reasons why WotC simply can't operate like Paizo, so this isn't a "WotC should be more like them" rant. But there is a reason the companies get treated differently, and it's not just a matter of double standards being applied.
I wish I could XP the hell out of this post.

Spot on!

aramis erak

Are you suggesting they use Amazon as a way to gauge the market for a potential book?

Not as such, no. But they have, in the past, solicited game stores and then cancelled product due to lack of apparent interest.

Amazon, however, puts up a page for almost anything solicited for.. and has, in the past confused "delayed several months" with "Canceled"...

This heading reminds me of some of the tabloid covers in UK.
Anywho, I dont think its cancelled, I think its delayed. Fret not, its probably something they'll announce soon. It is, afterall, being published by 3rd PP.
Maybe. But the press release does have the genasi in the Princes of the Apocalypse book along with new spells, and they're planning on giving that content away for free. Not the kind of thing they'd do if they had an elemental splatbook in the wings.


The material that was going to be sold in a hardback book for $40.00 is now going to be included in the adventure materials it was designed to support and/or available online free of charge. Nothing less is being released. The only difference now is that if you buy the adventure you will get more for your money. How does that suck?

It took two books to do Tyranny of Dragons, also 1-15, and they were bare bones and had a lot cut from them for space. Now we have a single book that is supposed to take PCs through their entire lifetime plus everything they planned for the handbook? I think that sucks pretty hard.

They cancelled the one book I wanted and I don't know if I want to pick up another adventure path. I was not impressed with Hoard of the Dairy Queen to the point where I didn't bother running Rise. This news tells me that the D&D tabletop portion of WotC is under-supported and it's not going to get any better.


It took two books to do Tyranny of Dragons, also 1-15, and they were bare bones and had a lot cut from them for space. Now we have a single book that is supposed to take PCs through their entire lifetime plus everything they planned for the handbook?

Yeah, but not all books are created equal. If this single book is indeed $50, it may well have a greater page count by itself than the two ToD books put together.


If I'm to be honest here, I'm glad it got dropped. I also wish the rest of these lame niche products would get dropped as well.

I want more generic supplements and adventures released for the core game while the more niche products be released with their respective settings.

I'm not a fan of these tie in with video game products, especially based on a mediocre game such as Neverwinter.

They've done great with the three core but outside of that, I don't see it looking too good for D&D.

I really wish a company that was just focused on table top gaming would take control of D&D.

But we aren't getting anything at all. They aren't going to announce anything for half a year so the only thing in the limelight is Elemental Evil. This media ploy isn't for the tabletop game. It's so they can sell Neverwinter Online and that Board Game. The tabletop game is getting drekked on.

It took two books to do Tyranny of Dragons, also 1-15, and they were bare bones and had a lot cut from them for space. Now we have a single book that is supposed to take PCs through their entire lifetime plus everything they planned for the handbook? I think that sucks pretty hard.

They cancelled the one book I wanted and I don't know if I want to pick up another adventure path. I was not impressed with Hoard of the Dairy Queen to the point where I didn't bother running Rise. This news tells me that the D&D tabletop portion of WotC is under-supported and it's not going to get any better.

I'm not familiar with any of the published adventures except Phandelver and I'm probably not going to get the Elemental evil one either. I don't resent WOTC for under-supporting 5E at all. The core set feels very much like a complete game and the system makes it easy to create new monsters, magic items, & other stuff as I need it.

The tabletop D&D game to me has always been about making stuff up and having fun with it. To be angry with a company for not doing all of your imagining for you is a bizarre attitude IMHO. I also think that if WOTC doesn't want, or cannot create enough add on products to satisfy the demand, then getting out a set of guidelines for publishers should be high on the priority list. There is probably a wealth of material already produced by third parties just waiting for a means to share it.

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