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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


[sblock=serow]Nice rolling! :) But, when rolling critical confirmation damage, please roll only the additional damage dice, don't re-roll the initial damage as well. It's not a big deal; it just creates a little more work for me figuring out what happened.[/sblock]

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Gildrim, AC 16, HP 5/9, round 5

"Th' popinjay's castin' anither spell!" calls Gildrim. Distracted, he swings wildly at his opponent. He sidles backwards again.

OOC: 5' step NE


First Post
[Sblock=OOC]Erf fails his Spellcraft check.

Just for future info will speech be considered a free or an immediate action? In other words can I speak only during my actions or at anytime? Not that I would excersise such an option much, but had I made my Spellcraft I might have there.[/Sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Speaking. Atypical free action - you can take several of them in a round, but, like an immediate action, outside your turn, bearing in mind that you have a fraction of 6 seconds to say whatever you say.[/sblock]


[sblock=speaking in combat]Talk in combat whenever you like. If it gets ridiculous, I'll ask you to paraphrase, or, you know, just have some enemy stab you in the naggers. :D[/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=OOC]One has to assume Naggers recieve a substantial size bonus to AC, especially those belonging to a 2' Forest Gnome. Naggers are earlobes right? Erf's only heard the expression from humans, he knows where to use it contextually, but...

Bluff check Bluff check... (1d20+8=21) [/Sblock]


Round 5

"Grah!!" shouts Ter-raen, stepping over the pieces of his former foe, and with another massive blow, severs both of this man's legs at the knee. The second thug goes down with a wail and a gout of blood.

"Th' popinjay's castin' anither spell!" calls Gildrim, as he swings ineffectively at his man, backing away.


Ter-raen 6/14
Gildrim 5/9
Cyian 9/9 <--- You're up
Carlos Cloudsong 8 damage
Thug 1 4 damage
Thug 2 21 damage, dead
Thug 3 20 damage, dead
Erf 12/12
Fenenn 13/13

Updated map
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First Post
Erf moves back over to Fenenn and mounts Fenenn. The Wolfhound then races after the leader of their assailants at top speed.

[Sblock=OOC] Erf tries to mount as a swift action, but fails. Ride check (1d20+3=9)

Fenenn runs 160ft. after Carlos Cloudsong. To avoid the rough terrain of the bodies they will run diagonally to the west ending up four squares to the west of their current position and 150ft. forward, since they effectively made four diagonals with two of them costing 10ft of movement and thus knocking 5ft. each off their forward movement.

If able they will continue to chase Carlos whilst Erf takes longshots with his Sling at -8, who knows Serows luck might be catching![/Sblock]

[Sblock=Jerrand]He's already read the Scroll, but if he takes a run action you will get an aoo. If not he is forced to Withdraw which will allow Erf and presumably Ter-raen to catch up with him easily. Good move.[/Sblock]
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Jerrand Redband

First Post
Cyian HP:9 AC 17(no shield)


Cyian watching the man back up, starts to take of his heavy backpack. As he switches sword hands he hears Gildrim yell and then notices the scroll."Oh, no you don't!" he yells as he lunges forward and swings the sword. Forgeting the blade is in his off hand and the pack is half off his shoulders, throws off his balance. The swing goes wide and Cyian hurriedly gets his pack off and sword in the right hand.

[sblock=ooc]still shocked we are alive after that first round mess, starts to take of pack(i.e. retrieve item) move actionlunge forward 5-foot step S
swing sword attack action, drop backpack free action[/sblock]

[sblock=Halford]You said "Good move." How about lucky mistake lol. I think this guy is like level 2 or 3 and if I could hit him once more I think he will surrender. Glad you were around to catch that sleep spell or this party would be toast.Thanks again.[/sblock]

edit: forgot to post rolls: A = 8 D = 8
would have been a soild hit had I connected (Jerrand rubs his hands together eagrly waiting to roll his AoO as CC reads his scroll)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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