• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


[sblock=OOC]"Creating an item requires one day per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price, with a minimum of at least one day" and "The caster works for 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day."

Given some XP and some downtime today, Erf could produce 1 scroll.[/sblock]

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Halford said:
"Hey Ter-raen you've not said much, how do you feel about meetin' with the lizard folk? You think we should chance it and wade in, or try a bitte chattin' first?"
Ter-raen finally spits out the piece of lizard meat he had been chewing on for the past half an hour. He looks at it for a moment, jaws a little tired, before turning to answer Erf, "If they don't eat lizard, then we can try talk first. Better than getting hurt anyone." Ter-raen pauses for a moment, as if to consider something, then adds, "Ter-raen need time to rinse mouth."


Halford said:
"I liked her, you were mighty persuasive there I thought Cyian - how's your lizardfolkese? What do they speak Gildrim Draconic?"
"Aye, whan Ah learned it, th' beuks seid that near aw th' scaly fowk like tae think they're wee dragons," Gildrim answers.

"Did ye like her? Ah thocht she wis a wee bit testy an' crabbit. She'll help us, but she disnae wan' ony ay ur help in return, nae even pickin' a few flouers. Makes me think we're awreddy helpin' her somehaw. Still, I howp her lassie turns up safe an' soond suin."


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"Amen to that Gildrim, I hope us failin' to sort out that Cloudsong villain doesn't lead to her comin' a cropper."

Erf and Fenenn trot on back to the Inn with the rest opf the party.


When you return to the inn, the town appears to be getting ready to call it a day. The smithy's chimney emits only a trickle of smoke, and the smith is closing and locking the door for the night as you approach. He gives you a friendly nod before crossing the street and entering the inn. In the general store you can see someone sweeping the floor.

Inside the inn, things are a bit more lively. There are perhaps a dozen people clustered loosely around the bar, tended by Soren and an older woman who bears him a slight family resemblance. Most of the people are human, though a pair of halflings on tall stools seem perfectly comfortable in the small crowd.

Jerrand Redband

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Cyian walks back to the same table the party had occupied that afternoon. Laying his pack down he looks at the people surronding the bar, then his eyes glance at the stage.(Fingers itching) "How do we go about asking these people about the manor or the lizardfolk?" he asks quietly. "In every story I've ever heard as soon as the heroes started asking questions in a place like this, something happens, and a big fight breaks out. I like to see a fight like that not be in the middle of one." he adds even quieter looking nervously at the bar.


"We kin wark up tae th' tricky matters. Anemone seid th' tounsfowk'd be pleased tae hear that Carlos haed a bad day," Gildrim rumbles. "Or ye kin sing that song ye sang this mornin'. Nae dout they've haurd it afair, but they micht be pleased tae haur it frae a streenger's mooth."

He drops his voice lower. "Whitever, let's be shuir nae tae mention th' priestess is still meetin' wi' th' swamp dwellers, an' richt noo in parteecular. We dinnae wan' tae mak ony mischief fur her."


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Erf gives Cyian a puzzled look. Humans like making things complicated. Nods at Gildrim's words, he's never really understood the need for secrecy, the world would be a much nicer place if everyone trusted one another, but things are what they are. The little gnome glances about the bar smiling and waving at any who meet his gaze. He moves over to the bar and greets Soren with his usual gusto.

"Hey Soren! Filled up nicely, hey? Could ye do me a bitte a favor 'n tell me who'd be most knowledgeable about the swamp 'n such in here?"

After taking directions from Soren Erf follows up on Soren's advise and trots across the room.

"Hey there, my names Erf, I'm a forest gnome that's why I'm green. I was wonderin' if you folks might be able to tell me a bitte stuff about the swamp 'n its denizens? Course if ye can I'd be more than happy to keep your throats lubricated, seeing as talkin's thirsty work!"

Fenenn, meanwhile, leaves his companion to his own devices and heads to the nearest patron(s) with food. Where he rolls over exposing his belly and fixing the them with his mournful dark moist eyes, his tail wagging uncertainly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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