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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


Rounds 6 through 20: the chase begins

[sblock=tracking]Reading the descriptions, I think this is going to be firm ground, for a track DC of 15. If it had rained in the last few days, I'd go for soft ground, but I've described four days of clear weather in the travel descriptions. However, Fenenn does have scent and track abilities, which are relevant here.[/sblock]

Ter-raen, with a burst of speed, manages to catch up to Carlos, threatening him! (ooc: I hope I'm not taking too much liberty interpreting your actions here. You said you were following Erf more than chasing Carlos, but you also said SSE, where Erf is SSW. If I'm out of line, let me know.)

Gildrim and Cyian begin to search the bodies. (Out of combat; will track in a separate post)

Carlos, seeing the blood-spattered barbarian bearing down on him, withdraws more carefully this time, careful to put some trees between himself and Ter-raen.

The rustling in the trees from Thug #1 fades into inaudibility.

Erf and Fenenn, riding hard, manage to clear the treeline in time to sling a bullet at the fleeing Carlos, but the range and lateral motion are too much for Erf. The bullet flies into the trees, and an indignant squawk emerges.

Round 7

Ter-raen, unable to see Carlos, elects to stay close to Erf. (double move)

Carlos, unthreatened at last, puts his full energies into running, and shows that on top of his magical enhancements, he has a natural talent for running away. (ooc: 300' straight south)

Erf gives chase, angling his pursuit so as to get off one last desperate bullet, but it is a weak effort, slipping harmlessly out of the sling pouch. (four range increments, running, and rolling a natural 2, Erf hits AC -14, lol)

Rounds 8-18

Carlos continues to flee southward at top speed. Erf and Fenenn continue to give chase, with Ter-raen following slightly behind. In round 15, Carlos' speed suddenly drops, and our heroes begin to gain on him.

Round 19

Ter-raen catches up to Erf again.

Carlos ducks into the woods to the east. At this point, he is roughly 1165 feet ahead of you.

Erf runs again.

Round 20

Ter-raen catches up.

Carlos is not visible, and is too far away to hear his movements in the forest.

Erf runs south again.

[sblock=decisions]At this point, Ter-raen has run for 14 rounds and Fenenn for 15. In order to run further, they must make con checks starting at DC 10 to continue running, and increasing by 1 each round. At this point, Erf and Fenenn are 1005 feet from where Carlos entered the forest.

Tracking: Since the trail is fresh, Fenenn may take 10 on the wisdom check to follow it, moving at an average of 15' per round. (The area the track follows is 50% forested, so he's going 10' in the forest and 20' in the grass.) Or, he can make a survival check at DC 18 (15 for firm ground, -2 for bleeding, +5 for hurrying) to follow it at an average of 30'/round.[/sblock]

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Gildrim and Cyian, searching the bodies, discover two sets of studded leather armor, two short swords, two shortbows, 37 arrows, and two coin pouches containing a total of 30 gold. All of it except for the shortbows is slick with blood.


First Post
[Sblock=Super Track]With aide from Erf and a nat 20 Fenenn manages a DC 27 track check! If that means he can go any faster, which it probably doesn't he does so.

Erf tries to aide Fenenn's survival check, remaining mounted so there may be penalties lowering this result. For the moment I have assumed the -2 penalty allotted for survival previously. (1d20+3=19)

Fenenn's survival check, trying for DC 18. Includes Erf aiding. (1d20+7=27) Yowser!

By the way Erf is going to need to Push Fenenn to track since he does not have the trick - he has the feat, but not the trick. However, since he can do this twice a round until he succeeds with a roll of 18 and even start while Fenenn is still simply being ridden, probably starting almost as soon as CC enters the woods I am not bothering to roll. If I need to let me know.[/Sblock]
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Gildrim blows a puff of air from between his cheeks when the gruesome task is done. He cleans the items on the grass as best he can, then straps one sword to his hip, and puts the other away in his pack. He slings a bow and quiver over his shoulder.

"Ye kin ne'er hae tay many blades, an' we kin fin' a use fur the bows, Ah daur say. Th' hauf-orc micht wan' this. Wa nae tak' th' other, Cyian? Better than yer sling, althoogh it saw us through weel! Verra cliver, lad.... Ah dinnae wan' tae think whit would hae happent if he'd feenished that spell. Do ye ken whit he wis castin', wi' th' flouers?" Gildrim shakes his head.

"We hae nae use fur th' armoor, an' it's unchancie tae tak' a deid man's armoor just tae sell it, eh, lad? Ah dinnae fancy strippin' it off them, aither. Th' gauld belangs tae th' ither twa, by richts," he says firmly. "Mad dafties, runnin' off! Ah dinnae wan' tae stay put, waitin'... Let's head on doon th' road an' they kin meet up wi' us again."


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Not sure if it'll work now, but if possible, Ter-raen would want to assist Erf in tracking the man. I suppose a take 10 would make it past DC 10 so, Erf would get a +2. Otherwise, here's a rolled 14.


ooc: Taking 10 isn't allowed when assisting someone else, a fact that I've had cause to rue on various occasions. It doesn't matter anyway in this case, since the next speed increment for tracking comes at DC 33, which is well out of reach. Since no one gave me con checks, I'm assuming you slow down to double moves to get to the spot where Carlos entered the forest, which is where tracking begins. After that it doesn't matter.

Fenenn bounds confidently into the woods, hot on the trail of what Erf sincerely hopes is Carlos, not a squirrel or butterfly. After nearly an hour of clambering through vines, brambles, and the occasional stretch of open ground, the ground falls away to reveal a small stream flowing lazily eastward, breaking the trail. The ground is very soft here, and Erf and Ter-raen range up and down the banks hopefully, but a scant hundred feet downriver, the stream dissolves into a swampy area: your first sight of the Grellgo fens. Carlos is gone.

[sblock=ooc]Nice try. If Carlos had missed his bardic knowledge check to remember that dogs have trouble tracking past moving water, of if he'd been farther from a stream, I think you'd have had him.[/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=OOC]Ah well, nevermind win some loose some. Frustrated, Erf finally admits defeat an heads back, cutting across country to the road and then using his judgement as to where their friends will be if they were walking during the pursuit and heading in that direction.

For the record I just forgot the con checks.[/Sblock]


Gildrim sings gutturally to himself in short Dwarven syllables, ala ara ric kara, pressing a hand to the gash in his belly. "A thocht better, glore tae Grendath," he announces.

OOC: casting CmW, HP 6/9


Erf and Ter-raen make their way back to the site of the battle, to find only the bodies of the two slain bandits, still wearing their bloodstained studded leather. Fenenn's nose quickly reveals that the others have continued southwards on the road, and with their greater speed, Erf and Ter-raen catch up to them sometime in the late afternoon.

ooc: I'm assuming Gildrim took the money, intending to give it to the others, rather than just leaving it with the bodies?


"He got awa' then," Gildrim states glumly. "Niver min'. Haur, this may cheer ye up." He tugs two coin pouches from a pocket of his pack. "Thirty crouns, aw they haed. Ye kilt them, sae th' coins ur yers. We teuk their wappens tay, if ye wan' a swuird ur bow."

OOC: Och, aye: "Th' gauld belangs tae th' ither twa [Erf and Ter-raen], by richts", he seid. If Ter-raen wants the short sword or bow, Gildrim will hand them over.

Voidrunner's Codex

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