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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


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Erf takes a seat next to Gildrim and fixes Cyian with a mischevious grin, Cyian is not the only one who can lie.

"Me mate Cyian here was just tellin' me how he was gonna' sing us all a bitte a song. Come on Cyian get up on the stage lad. Cyian, Cyian!"

Fenenn slurps a mug of ale Erf has placed on the floor for him watching the proceedings with bored indifference.

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[sblock=ooc] No word from Jerrand since Thursday the 19th; I'm going to NPC Cyian until I hear from him. Time to get this thing moving again. One loose end I'd like to remind you of: several of you have said IC that you'd like to sell off some equipment, but no one has actually done it yet. I don't feel any need to RP that unless you want to, but I do need someone to tell me what you're selling off. Assume SRD prices unless otherwise specified. [/sblock]

Cyian declines Erf's invitation with a nervous chuckle, and the evening winds its way to a slightly blurry close. The beds are clean and comfortable, and the only disturbances to your rest are some rather noisy crickets. Morning comes, and when you wake, you estimate that it is perhaps an hour until sunrise. The inn is quiet save for the sounds of breakfast cooking and the occasional muffled voice from outside.

ooc2: Any plans before going to meet Sister Anemone?


First Post
[Sblock=OOC]Hmmm, well lets hope we hear from Jerrand soon. Come on buddy! Noisy crickets? Why can't I have a big gun?

Anyway Erf sells the shortbow which should bring in 15gp. If nobody objects I am going to try to put this money towards purchasing a scroll of cure light wounds, you can never have too much healing.

No particular plans on my part, I was considering comissioning some barding for Fenenn, but I think I'll take care of that after the adventure in Orussus. Riding Dog barding is probably a specialty item, lol.[/Sblock]

Erf awakes to Fenenn's urgent licking and gags on doggy morning breath. He is soon down in the common room and pops outside finding a dandilion sprouting in a gap between the bricks in the inn's wall. With Fenenn at his side looking exceedingly bored Erf spends an hour contemplating the flower with a peaceful expression as the sun rises.

Fenenn's own morning ritual involves a little less spirituality and a lot more licking.


A low rumbling sound issues from Gildrim's room as the dwarf performs his habitual morning chanting. He greets his companions in the common room and pokes his shaggy head out the door, peering about in case Corvin is abroad at this early hour.

"Let's nae let onybody see us set aff, efter lest nicht's performance."


Cyian stumbles down the stairs eventually, looking as if he wished he'd ordered a few pints less, but ready to go. Glancing outside, there are a few people going about their business in the square, but there is no sign of Corvin, and you see no reason to believe you are followed towards Sister Anemone's temple.

The dew is thick on the long grass, and your legs are already wet by the time you squelch into the swamp. Walking on solid ground or mossy rocks where possible, and wading across shallow stands of greenish water where necessary, you manage to reach the arranged rendezvous by sunrise. Shortly thereafter, Sister Anemone arrives, trudging across the squishy ground and carrying a very small boat under one arm.

"Good, you're here. You still want to go through with this? Well, come on, then." she says, leading eastward.

The next few hours are a tiring slog through brackish water, as Sister Anemone avoids the swamp's islands, preferring to paddle her tiny boat with practiced strokes than to struggle through the dense, low vegetation that clings to any land above the waterline. Ter-raen and Cyian are least affected, but the water rises alarmingly high on Gildrim's chest a few times, and Erf takes a ducking more than once when Fenenn suddenly goes from wading to swimming. Eventually Sister Anemone pulls her boat up to a particularly large and twisted oak tree growing from a mossy root ball. As she does so, a scaled figure leaps lightly down from its lowest branches with a tiny splash. It is about six feet tall and entirely naked save for a greenish leather bandolier with pockets sewn in, but without external genitalia, it is difficult to tell what gender the creature is. From the back of the bandolier protrude several slim javelins, and it carries a sharp-looking spear with negligent familiarity.

"Anemoneee," it rasps. "I have come."

"Thank you. This is Apikotoa, a scout among the lizardfolk. He has agreed to speak with you. Please be polite, for my sake. Apikotoa, this is Cyian, Ter-raen, Erf, and Gildrim." Sister Anemone introduces each of you in turn, then paddles back a few paces and watches.

"I leesten. What ees eet that you want?" Apikotoa asks.


Gildrim clears his throat and sets his shoulders back.

"Nerixen tundar renthisj. Yth gethrisj leirith persvek martivir mrith bensvelk ukris ethirauhissarigalateasunaether. Yth tuor ossalur erekess ariwuxhesjingturalisjachuak. Yth tuor ocuir vignar ariloexmunthrek shafaer verthica kosj."

He gives Anemone and the others a reassuring nod.
[sblock=Draconic]covaithe's Draconic is excellent. I won't bother translating.[sblock=Oh, alright]"It is Gildrim the dwarf who speaks. We come in peace with the good word of the halfling priestess of Galatea. We wish to travel through your great green water. We seek the ashes of a dead human on a hill.[/sblock][/sblock]


Apikotoa blinks when Gildrim addresses him in Draconic. "Ternesj austrat. Throden loreat."

[sblock=Draconic]"Here there are few hills, and fewer humans. Why come here?"[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Really, what good is a language if you can't say "Rocks fall, everyone dies" in it?[/sblock]


"Arimaekrix rhyvos molik sjir," Gildrim answers. "Ethithurirl pothic thric othokent. Poc ukris darastrix?" He gestures at the others.

"Apikotoa wants tae ken wha we're here. Ah seid we're followin' an old map. Ah also seid ye didnae understaund th' dragontongue, so Ah'd stop talkin' it."[sblock=OOC]Maekrix thric tuor renthisj darastrix! Faessi, faessi, faessi! :p [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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