ZEITGEIST Using Midjourney image AI to imagine Zeitgeist


And Benedict Pemberton. Even when upscaled, it's a bit pixely unfortunately.
Benedict Pemberton.png

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Those are amazing!
I'm using stable diffusion and a model trained with midjourney, but I can't figure out how to get something as good as those. Harkover Lee is my favourite!
Did you use only the zeitgeist portrait as reference? Could you share the prompts if you still have those?


I used the zeitgeist portrait and "male photograph dslr 50 mm" as a prompt for Harkover. Interestingly, it interpreted most of the portraits as female, so that's why the male is in there. And I read adding specific photographic terms helped. Finally, this is using the new version 4 of MJ. The rest are similar, I also adding portrait to some.


I've been playing around with MidJourney myself. Here are my attempts at the various "bosses" that the PCs have to work for:

Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft

Mark Sheppard, clean-shaven, receding hair, headache, stressed out, dressed as a senior detective, Victorian, in an old English office --v 4

Chief Inspector Margaret Saxby

Judi Dench as a senior detective, blonde pixie cut, ruffled white collar, navy blue suit, condescending glare, Victorian, inside an old English office

Principal Minister Harkover Lee

Ricardo Montalban as a draconic bloodline sorcerer, dapper, thin lips, short hair, dark eyes, fancy burgundy and gold cowl, inside medieval castle --v 4

King Aodhan

Clarke Peters as a King, nearly bald, close-cropped thinning [salt and pepper] beard, small gold band across forehead, wise, placcid expression, green shirt, forest green cloak, steampunk, faerie, in a medeval castle, digital art --v 4

I tried to catch the vibe and attitude of each NPC, and have that come across in their facial expression (and background). In my opinion, to a certain extent, that communicates more useful-to-playing-in-an-RPG information than a simple physical appearance. Obviously, some of my own interpretation went into those descriptors, which I shared below each pict.

The first word in each of my prompts were guided by this thread: ZEITGEIST - List of Pop Culture References in Zeitgeist

If anyone knows a good actor to put in for Lord Inspector Nigel Price-Hill, I can complete the chain-of-command. Then again, I totally made up Saxby's, and am willing to redo her with a different seed if anyone's got a better suggestion.

(Also, I have not been able to figure out how to make MidJourney do non-human skin-tinting . As far as I can tell, Gov Roland Stanfield is going to be impossible.)

I think I'll work on the leadership of the Ob next.
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How would these prompts look if you told Midjourney to do it in the style of Erol Otus, Tony DiTerlizzi, Wayne Reynolds or Dave Trampier?
Which of those artists do you think most captures the ZG 'vibe'?

For example, Erol Otus, while a legend from the early gaming era (and a delightful fit for DCC, who embraces his style), is almost comical, and a terrible fit for Zeitgeist's cerebral and philosophical tone.

And WAR is a bit comic-book-y and action-packed. Great for the 3e and PF era he's associated with, but is he really Zeitgeist-y?

I feel I almost want a noir artist to style these picts agaisnt.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Which of those artists do you think most captures the ZG 'vibe'?

For example, Erol Otus, while a legend from the early gaming era (and a delightful fit for DCC, who embraces his style), is almost comical, and a terrible fit for Zeitgeist's cerebral and philosophical tone.

And WAR is a bit comic-book-y and action-packed. Great for the 3e and PF era he's associated with, but is he really Zeitgeist-y?
I would say that Trampier's careful line art and cross-hatching would fit. I can also see an argument for DiTerlizzi. (I mean, I can always see an argument for more DiTerlizzi.)

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I feel I almost want a noir artist to style these picts agaisnt.
Christopher Shy, who was the chosen artist for a lot of late World of Darkness 1.0 stuff, is already showing up in your portraits. I would ask Midjourney to specifically give you something in his particular style, which is modern but spooky.

Voidrunner's Codex

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