[v.3.5] Crisis in Bluffside Rogues Gallery


World of Kulan DM
N male kobold urban ranger 7 / rogue 2
(Rog1 is Kobold Rogue racial substitution level)

STR 8 (-1) (12 base -4 racial)
DEX 18 (+4) (15 base +2 racial +1 level [4th])
CON 12 (+1) (14 base -2 racial)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 14 (+1) (13 base +1 level [8th])

Fort: 12 (5 base + 1 CON + 3 vest + 3 boots)
Ref: 18 (8 base + 4 DEX + 3 vest + 3 boots)
Will: 10 (2 base + 2 WIS + 3 vest + 3 boots)

Base attack: +8/+3
Melee attack: +1 shortsword: +9/+4 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Melee attack: dagger: +8/+3 (1d3-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged attack: +1 light crossbow: +14/+9 (1d6+1, 19-20/x2); +15/+10 within 30 ft.
Ranged attack: +1 hand crossbow: +14/+9 (1d3+1, 19-20/x2); +15/+10 within 30 ft.
Note: Sneak Attack +1d6

Initiative: +4
Hit dice: 7d8+1d4+1d6+9
HP: 54/54 (41+6+3+4)
AC: 25 (10 + 7 armor + 4 Dex + 2 natural + 1 small + 1 ring)
Note: Can deflect and catch arrow 1/round (Gloves of Arrow Snaring).

Speed: 30 ft.
Languages known: Cliffspeak, Draconic, Orc
  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency (hand crossbow) (level 1)
  • Rapid Shot (ranger bonus feat)
  • Rapid Reload (light crossbow) (level 3)
  • Endurance (ranger bonus feat)
  • Investigator (level 6)
  • Manyshot (ranger bonus feat)
  • Point Blank Shot (level 9)
  • Craft (trapmaking) +8 (4 ranks, +2 kobold)
  • Disable Device +10 (8 ranks) (+2 on traps)
  • Gather Information +16 (10 ranks, +2 Investigator, +2 Knowledge local)
  • Handle Animal +3 (1 rank)
  • Hide +18 (10 ranks, +4 small)
  • Knowledge (local) +10 (8 ranks)
  • Listen +8 (7 ranks)
  • Move Silently +14 (10 ranks)
  • Open Lock +6 (2 rank)
  • Profession (miner) +4 (+2 kobold)
  • Ride +9 (5 ranks)
  • Search +17 (11 ranks, +2 Investigator, +2 kobold) (+2 on traps)
  • Sense Motive +8 (6 ranks)
  • Sleight of Hand +6 (2 ranks)
  • Spot +8 (7 ranks)
  • Tumble +6 (2 ranks)
  • Use Rope +4 (0 ranks)
Racial features (kobold):
  • Dexterity +2, strength -4, constitution -2
  • small size; base speed 30 feet
  • darkvision 60 feet
  • natural armor +1
  • Bonus +2 on Craft (trapmaking), Profession (miner), Search
  • Dazzled in light (–1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks)
  • favored class: sorcerer
Class features (urban ranger):
  • Proficient with simple and martial weapons
  • Proficient with light armor and with shields
  • Urban Ranger variant changes some skills and spells
  • 1st Favored Enemy: Rising Swords +4
  • Urban Tracking (use Gather Information to track down individuals)
  • Wild Empathy (using half class level)
  • Combat Style: Archery (Rapid Shot as bonus feat)
  • Endurance
  • Animal Companion (up to Medium size)
  • 2nd Favored Enemy: Loyalists +2
  • Improved Combat Style: Archery (Manyshot as bonus feat)
  • Ranger Spells
Class features (rogue):
  • Racial substitution level 1 from Races of the Dragon
    • Shrewd trapfinding (can find and disable traps both mundane and magical; gain +2 Search and +2 Disable Device for traps with each racial substitution level)
    • Rapid Retreat (gain 5 feet speed when using the Withdraw action)
    • Sneak attack +1d6
  • Evasion
Ranger Spells prepared (CL 3):
Level 1: accelerated movement, climb walls
DC is 12 + spell level
  • +1 hand crossbow
    • bolts [x40]
  • +1 light crossbow
    • bolts [x40]
  • +1 short sword
  • +3 glamoured mithral chain shirt (can appear as normal clothes)
  • amulet of natural armor +1
  • bag of endless caltrops (MIC, p. 151)
  • bag of holding
  • field provisions box (MIC, p. 160)
  • gloves of arrow snaring
  • goggles of foefinding (MIC, p. 108; ignore's foes cover [not full cover])
  • handy haversack
  • lucky boots (+3 luck bonus to saves)
  • ring of protection +1
  • ring of the darkhidden (heirloom; MIC, p. 122; invisible to darkvision)
  • vest of resistance +3
  • potion of barkskin +3
  • potion of cure light wounds
  • potion of cure medium wounds
  • potion of lesser restoration
  • potion of neutralize poison
  • potion of protection from evil
  • universal solvent
  • acid (flask)
  • caltrops [x2]
  • crowbar
  • dagger [x3]
  • dog feed for 8 days
  • lamp, common
  • lock, average
  • manacles
  • pouch, belt [x4]
  • rope, silk (150 ft)
  • trapmaking tools, masterwork
  • waterskin
  • a moonstone
  • 2 pp
  • 199 gp
  • 2 sp
Age: 9 (very young)
Height: 2' 7"
Weight: 70 lb.

At first glance Tuck looks like any other kobold; a small, nervous reptilian dressed in simple rags, making his way through the city while sticking to the side of the streets as though afraid of the sun and open air.

A second look, however, reveals a well-tended mithral shirt beneath the rags, a fine crossbow on his back, and eyes that cunningly watch everything closely despite appearing to look frightened of the world. A large hound, easily twice the kobold’s size, follows him around with a tail that never stops wagging.

But people rarely look twice at a kobold...

Tuck likes to take advantage of taller races’ preconceptions about kobolds’ cowardliness and dim wits by pretending to be so, too, while in fact he is cunning and daring. He enjoys helping folks, not just kobolds, particularly from ruffians and injustice.

Tuck is well known among Bluffside kobolds, although their opinion varies from awed at his ability to be treated as almost equal by the other races, to loathed for aiding non-kobolds in the fist place.

Not much is known about Tuck among those who are not kobolds, and even most kobolds are not sure about the truth anymore.

What is known is that Tuck makes his home somewhere in the city and it is a place riddled with traps that only he and the large hound called Mutt know how to navigate.

Tuck is also known as the one to talk to about rumors, locating missing persons, and spying on competitors. The kobold investigates various things for a reasonable fee, which usually involves shiny golden coins which he treats like a m rogue dragon’s treasure hoard.

Tuck calls Mutt his fierce guard dog, but it is a loving creature that treats everyone as its best friend, especially after some petting.

Tuck has various monikers, most given to him by other kobolds. These are the ones he has heard of himself: Tuck Tuck, Tall Tuck, Little Tuck, Mad Tuck, Smart Tuck, Lucky Tucky, Trick Tuck, Finder Tuck, Tucker Kobold, Click Clack

Big Mutt, riding dog animal companion
Big Mutt: Male Riding Dog From Bluffside Region. Animal 4; CR 1; Medium Animal; HD (4d8)+15; hp 41; Init +3; Spd Walk 40 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 14, Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk: +6 Melee (1d6+4/20/x2, *Bite ) or +7 Melee (1d6+5/20/x2, *Bite [Magic Fang] ); Full Atk: +6 Melee (1d6+4/20/x2, *Bite ) or +7 Melee (1d6+5/20/x2, *Bite [Magic Fang] ); SA Animal Traits, Animal Traits, Attack, Combat (Ex), Scent (Ex), Skills, Tricks - Attack; SQ Low-Light Vision; AL TN; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2; STR 16, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6.
Skills and Feats: Jump +11, Listen +5, Spot +6, Swim +5; Alertness, Toughness, Track.

XP current: 36,000 (last updated Mar 21, 2023; see post)
XP needed for next level: +9,000 (45,000)

Edit Oct 4, 2021: Leveled up Tuck to 8 (Ran7/Rog1). Rog1 is the kobold rogue substitution level from Races of the Dragon.
Edit Apr 18, 2023: Added new gear, adjusted numbers accordingly. Post here.
Edit Sept 29, 2023: @JustinCase's original post modified for use as an NPC. Character updated to 9th level.
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