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{Vampire: The Masquerade - OOC} New York by Night


for my part, my first post has a link to a loooong story that details my character's motivations in DEPTH.

Good luck reading it all - noone but my wife's read it, AFAIK.

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Good luck reading it all - noone but my wife's read it, AFAIK.
I love a challenge. You're on. What do I get if I read it all?

Anyways, I probably won't be in on this game, If I can get that other d20 vampire game going. (Shameless Plug!)


First Post
I'm torn between vampire games!

Is there somewhere where I can learn the latest rules for V:tM? The quickstart manual provided some info on the storyline and background but its obvious that there are more clans and rules and such that I would need to know before playing, there seems to have been updates since the quickstart manuals were made.

But from what I do know I'd be leaning towards a Ventrue character.
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First Post
The quickstart rules are not compatible with the regular rules. For example they present discipline schemes which offer a choice of: the three basic disciplines, 1 basic and one advanced discipline, and 2 basic disciplines and some extra attribute points.

The disciplines system as presented in the full rules has al the disciplines from the quickstart guide, as well as a few others but they are the domain of the clans that Ashrem has disallowed. The disciplines are on a 1-5 rating system with each rating adding an ability. Also the attributes are not on the same system as the quickstart suggests. each attribute is on a 1-5 rating as well(actually everything but bloodpool, will power, and humanity are on a 5 dot scale). There are three catagories, Physical, Social, and Mental. Each attribute starts with a single dot in it. You get 7 dots to divide up in your primary category, 5 in your secondary, and 3 in your weakest. There are 3 attributes in each category.

Physical: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Social: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Mental: Perception, Intelligence, wits

The largest difference between the quickstart is that there are no apptitudes or advantages as listed in it, the clan weaknesses still apply.
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First Post
I posed up the stats to my character to give those without the main rules an example to work from. Here is the thread: Rogue's Gallery Thread

I would of course suggest sending things not everyone should know about their past to Ash directly.

Ashrem Bayle

Sabrina looks great Shalimar. I'll look her over a little closer later, but so far she is fine.

Ok. Here are the things you need to know.

1. I'll only be accepting four players. The first five to post their characters with all info will be the first to get in.

2. Character must be built using the main rule book. You DO NOT need this book. I will help those who do not with their characters.

3. All characters have been Embraced within 6 months of the time the chronicle begins. It is present day. Jan 2003.

4. We will be using New York by Night. However, I may or may not change some things so don't take that book as gospel if you have it. (I am sure you all knew that, but I figured I'd say it anyway.)

NOTE: I have never been to New York city. I would love to go, but I don't see it happening any time soon. This means that the info I give you may not be just like the real world NYC. Sorry. :D

5. The game will need to be character driven. I'm not going to railroad you at all. This is the reason you will need to have a good grasp on your character. I'll tell you straight up that I have no preconceived plot or "adventure".

6. Unless you prefer otherwise, I'll role all the dice for you. I'll be using the dice roller on white-wolf.com and I will copy and paste the result here. You can go there and see the dice results so you know they will be fair. You have to check pretty quickly after I post though because they scroll away in no time.

However, on occasion I may not roll the dice there because you shouldn't always see all rolls.

www.thekindred.com is a great source for those new to the game. With this, you don’t need the main book.


Attributes and Abilities determine what your character is capable off. (Think Ability Scores and skills in D&D) These are ranked on a five “dot” scale.

Clans and Clan Disciplines

Brujah-- "rabble" Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence

Caitiff-- "clanless" Disciplines: any three

Gangrel-- "outlanders" Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean

Malkavians-- "kooks" Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate

Nosferatu-- "sewer rats" Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence

Toreador-- "degenerates" Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence

Tremere-- "warlocks" Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy

Ventrue-- "blue bloods" Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

Clan Disciplines: These disciplines come easier to learn for members of a particular clan that others. It takes fewer experience points to gain levels in clan disciplines than non clan disciplines.

Nature & Demeanor

These are one word descriptions of your character. Nature is a description of how your character really is deep down. Demeanor is what he/she shows to the world. (His/her “front” so to speak.)

Examples of either include:

Archtect: You are unhappy unless you are creating someting of lasting value.
Bon Vivant: Life is meaningless, so enjoy it as long as it lasts.
Bravo: You are something of a bully; you like to be feared.
Caregiver: Many need your love and protection, and you need them to need you.
Child: You never really grew up, and you want someone to take care of you.
Conformist: A follower at heart, you find it easy to adapt, adjust and comply.
Conniver: There's always an easier way--which usually involves someone else doing your work.
Curmudgeon: You are a real sourpuss and cynic of the Nth degree.
Deviant: You're just not like everyone else.
Director: You hate chaos and are forever taking charge to set things right.
Fantic: You have a cause and it gives your life meaning.
Gallant: You are as flamboyant as you are amoral.
Jester: Always the clown, you can't take life, or death, seriously.
Judge: You seek justice and reconciliation.
Loner: You are forever alone, even in a crowd.
Martyr: You need to be needed, and enjoy being morally superior.
Rebel: No need for a cause; you rebel out of habit and passion.
Survivor: You struggle to survive, no matter what the odds.
Traditionalist: You prefer hte orthodox and conservative ways.
Visionary: Wisdom is your quest, insight your key.


You get one free dot in all Attributes. To determine your attribute scores, you must determine whether or not a category is Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary. Your Primary has 7 dots to spread around, your Secondary has 5, and your Tertiary has 3.

Example: Markus the is a very persuasive character, he is also very intelligent, but not very physical. He spreads 7 dots among Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance. Next he spread 5 dots among the Mental category, then 3 among the Physical.





You DO NOT get one free dot in all Attributes. To determine your Ability scores, like Attributes, you must determine whether or not a category is Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary. Your Primary has 13 dots to spread around, your Secondary has 9, and your Tertiary has 5. No ability can begin with more than 3 dots.


Animal Ken



You begin with one dot in all three Virtues. You then have 7 dots to spread among them however you wish.

Conscience – This determines how your actions effect your Humanity.
Self-Control – This is what you use to resist a Frenzy.
Courage – This is used to determine how your character reacts to danger. Specifically when dealing with fire and sunlight.



These are a vampire’s “powers”. You get three points to spread out amongst your disciplines.

Animalism – domination, affinity, and control of animals.
Auspex – enhanced senses, telepathy, and clairsentience
Celerity – supernatural speed
Dementation – the ability to spread insanity (Malkavians only)
Domination – The ability to command and possess humans and vampires.
Fortitude – supernatural endurance
Obfuscate – the ability to disappear and disguise yourself.
Potence – supernatural strength
Presence – the ability to sway crowds and awe people. Supernatural attraction or repulsion.
Protean – shapeshifting
Thaumaturgy – blood magic (Tremere only without a mentor.)


This score is determined by adding your Conscience and Self-Control scores.


This permanent score begins as the same as your Courage score. Willpower works pretty much like a Will save in D&D. Willpower functions in two ways.

Permanent Willpower: This score determines how much Willpower Points you can have. Very few things can cost you to loose Permanent Willpower and it can only be gained with Freebie Points at character creation and Experience. Unlike other traits, Willpower goes on a scale of 1-10.

Temporary Willpower: These points may never exceed your Permanent Willpower. Spending a willpower point gains you one automatic success on an action. It is also used to use some disciplines. You gain willpower points back when you do something furthers your goals or is associated with your Nature. You also gain 1 willpower when you wake each night.

Blood Pool

This depends on your Generation. If you are 13th Generation, you have 10 blood points. 12th Generation vampires have 11, 11th has 12 and so on. The lower the character’s Generation, the more points in his/her blood pool.

You may use blood in several ways:

1. You spend 1 blood point to wake each night.
2. Many disciplines require you to spend blood to use.
3. You may spend 1 blood point to appear human for one scene.
4. You may spend blood points to increase any of your physical attributes on a one for one basis for a scene. (Ex. 1 blood point = 1 dot of Strength)


All characters default to 13th Generation. This means that you are 13 steps removed from Caine himself, the progenitor vampire. The lower the Generation, the more potent the blood. This has a few effects on gameplay:

1. You cannot develop ability, attribute, or discipline score higher than level 5 unless you are 8th Generation. At 8th generation, you can increase these scores to level 6.

2. You can spend more blood in a round. 13th – 10th Generation vampires may spend one blood point per round. 9th Generation may spend 2 blood points and so on.

3. You can use blood to increase you ability scores higher. 13th-9th Generation vampires may spend blood to increase their Physical Attributes up to level 6. 8th Generation can increase theirs to level 7 and so on.


You have five points to spend on backgrounds. Spend them how you wish. No character may have more than 5 points in a single background. This is where the real details of the character are. I want to know who your allies and contacts are. How you got your money or herd. etc.

Allies: Human confederates, usually family or friends.
Contacts: The number of information sources the character possesses.
Generation: How far removed from Caine the character is.
Herd: The vessels to which the character has free and safe access.
Influence: The character's political power within mortal society.
Mentor: The Cainite patron who advises and supports the character.
Resources: Wealth, belongings, and monthly income.
Retainers: Followers, guards, and servants.
Status: The character's standing in undead society.

Freebie Points

These are points that can be used to buy additional dots in certain aspects of your character. You have 14 of these “freebie” points to spend. See below to determine how many freebie points it costs to raise the level of something.

Disciplines (Clan): 5 points per dot*
Disciplines (Non Clan): 7 points per dot*
Attributes: 5 points per dot
Abilities: 2 points per dot
Background: 1 point per dot
Virtues: 2 points per dot
Willpower: 2 points per dot
Humanity: 1 point per dot

*This is a House Rule for those of you with the books.

Merits & Flaws

These are things outside the rules that can be bought with additional Freebie points or can grant you additional freebie points.

These can be almost anything. Starting at 14th Generation is worth 2 points while the ability to eat food will cost you 3 points.


You must answer all of the questions at the below web address with at least a few sentences.




Use the Main rule book, or let me know what you want and I’ll give you stats. A few things you should know are that guns are almost useless against vampires. However, swords and such a very suspicious and might even be considered a breach of the Masquerade by a Prince looking to nail you.


Combat can be very deadly in this game. While you could survive falling off a building or being riddles with bullets, there are things that can kill you….. fast.

Non-Lethal Damage

This is damage from blunt objects, piercing weapons, and, for vampires, most bullets. Vampires take only half damage from these things. This can be “soaked” with your Stamina.

Lethal Damage

This is cutting, ripping, and slashing trauma. Vampires take normal damage. Note: A shotgun at close range is lethal damage. A vampire may collapse into torpor from lethal damage, but cannot die short of decapitation or the removal of the heart. This can be “soaked” with your Stamina.

Aggravated Damage

This is damage caused from sunlight, fire, and the fangs and claws of supernatural creatures. Pretty much, if it would kill a human, it will kill you. For this reason, combat with other vampires can end very fast. This CAN NOT be “soaked” with your Stamina. Only the discipline Fortitude allows you to soak Aggravated Damage.


I am sure I am forgetting a lot.

Shalimar, I am appointed you as assistant Storyteller and your place is reserved as a player even though I haven’t gotten all your info yet. You can thank me later. :p I may need help with all the many rules I am rusty with.

Be patient with me guys, it has been a while since I ran Vampire.

Feel free to ask me anything.

I tend to post from 9:00Am to 5:00 PM throughout the week. My internet at home has been off and on for the last two weeks, so I want be posting much from home. Weekends will usually be downtime. Feel free to post if you want to, but don't expect much in the way of Storyteller intervention.
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You know, I kinda like the way you're setting this up. I've never actually played Masquerade before, but I got the book, so I'll make up a character. (I always wanted to try it out)

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