Vigwyn's 'A New Beginning...' [IC]

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Vigwyn the Unruly

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The burglar is not fooled for one second. He knows exactly how guilty this situation looks, and the site of Edgar's drawn weapon is all the proof he needs that Edgar reads it the same way. "So it's the hard way, then, huh? So be it. But don't say I didn't warn you." The burglar reaches for his dagger, but before he can grab it, an arrow flits through the air and lands with a sickening thunk in his chest. He looks up in surprise and fear, but he sees nothing in the darkness beyond Edgar.

Gallo (from Readied action, turn now over)
Edgar 10 + 3 = 13
Burglar 5 + 0 = 5

Attack burglar. Atk 17 + 7 = 24. Hits [FF AC 10 + 4 = 14 (Edgar provides soft cover)]. Dmg (1d8) 7 hp. Burglar reduced to 20 hp. Hide check for sniping 17 + 4 - 20 = 1. Burglar's Spot check is 10 - 4 - 5 - 2 = -1 [penalties were for distance, distraction, and circumstance (lighting)]. Gallo remains hidden.

Map remains exactly as posted last.

Can I have Edgar's action now? I will resolve that, and any NPC actions, then we'll start back at the top with Gallo after my next post.[/sblock]


"Whoa now. No reason to get aggressive. That arrow wound is perfectly treatable. No reason to start a fight. Just tell me what your business here is..."

Edgar takes a move action to draw his other blade, the shortsword. He'll then take a readied action to strike the man with his rapier if he tries to attack again.

Attack with Rapier.(1d20+9=21, 1d6+3=6)

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Seeing Edgar draw his other weapon, the burglar slips into a panic. "Charlie, help me out!" he cries, ignoring Edgar's words. He is struck by a rare moment of inspiration, and throws his lantern at Edgar. The throw is off, and the lantern crashes onto the counter near the end. As it bursts open, flaming oil spreads onto the counter and spills over onto the floor.

As you described

Atk roll 8 + 3 = 11. Misses (Edgar's Touch AC is 16).
(Did not trigger readied action, because he is not in a threatened square.)

The burning oil is inicated in yellow. It does not threaten either of you right now, in terms of catching you on fire, etc., but is certainly not a good thing in a bookstore.

Initiative for coming round:


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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Another arrow flies into the burglar's chest. He clutches at it and groans. You can hear the retreating sound of a pair of running feet hitting the wooden floor from the back room, and the lamplight coming from that room begins to diminish.

"Damnit, Charlie!" cries the burglar, as his accomplice deserts him. He decides that he is not being paid nearly enough to risk his life any further, and flees through the door to the back room, ignoring Edgar's question and leaving the store to burn.

Atk 17 + 7 = 24. Hits (AC 10 + 4 = 14). Dmg (1d8) 5 hp. Burglar reduced to 15 hp.
Moves 30' toward the door.





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"Oy. He gets three arrows in him and he still has the energy to run off? What the hell is wrong with people around here? I hope he dies of blood loss."

Edgar will do whatever is within his power to quell the fire. Maybe suffocate it with a cloak. That, or knock some of the other flamables out of the way, like the bookshelves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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