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[Vile] Maiden of Pain's Redemption

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Kasag starts back a bit as Loviana places the dagger at his throat, and gives another hearty laugh.*

"This varon has metal thorns ochat! And spica too!" he exclaims, as a few other humans and half-orcs of similar overmuscled physique join in his coarse laughter. "No harm done, varon? I will get you something to drink to water your pretty petals."
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Orshallan suddenly stands swiftly from the bench and moves around to face the half-orc.*

"I believe my lady told you to leave her alone," Orshallan says in a deadly soft voice. The half-orc stops laughing for a moment, and pokes Orshallan in the chest.

"Your lady? This varon isn't anyone's lady, she'd stick him full of thorns first!" Kasag says, howling with laughter at his own wit as his lackeys join in the merriment.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Unfettered/Bondblade)

* Loviana nods her head at Kasag but it’s obviously mostly in dismissal. *

“That would be fine Kasag…”

* Loviana stops and stares in shock at Orshallan’s actions but she quickly tries to rein in the situation by stepping between them, but careful to keep the dagger in Kasag direction. She gives Orshallan a worried, and hopefully defusing, look as she addresses the half-orc. *

“Kasag, I’m more than willing to take that drink like you offered.”

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Kasag roars to the bar for a small mug of their excellent ale.*

"You see, meshga, this varon can handle herself!" Kasag says with another hearty laugh. When the ale arrives for Loviana, Kasag and his lackeys toast her, and then seem to leave her alone. Orshallan sits down quickly, covering up a furious blush.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Unfettered/Bondblade)

* Loviana lifts her own mug with the boys if Kasag is inclined to watch but she settles down next to Orshallan and places the almost already forgotten ale down on the table as she looks upon her blushing love. *

“Orshallan, that was very noble of you and very brave of you but for now it’s best to not cause any scenes that can be traced back to us. Kasag and his lackeys are not our enemies we need to be leery of Loviatar’s faithful… They have not forgotten us nor will they for us for what I’ve done.”

* Not wanting to hear him apologize Loviana turns his face to hers with a gentle touch and kisses him fully and deeply unconcerned about those around them. *

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Orshallan responds to the kiss for a moment, while a few brays of coarse laughter break out from Kasag and his friends. With the couple ignoring him the rest of the night, the two can get a reasonably peaceful sleep. The next morning the two mount up and head out again further west. It will take over a month, nearly two, to get to the Sea of Song at this pace, but Orshallan doesn't seem too worried about that. Taking roads to keep somewhat inconspicuous is more important.*

*Traveling down the packed dirt road under sunny skies, you spy an old man with his covered wagon half off the road, and a decrepit old donkey in the traces. It's obvious neither of the two is going to get that wagon back up on the road on their own. The old graybeard looks up at the arrival of Loviana and Orshallan, and breaks into a toothless grin as he mops his sweating brow.*

"Hoi their fellow travelers! I don't suppose you could lend some young and strong backs to getting my wagon out of this fix, could you?" he asks, sounding a bit breathless.

"Of course we can lend a hand, grandfather. How did you get yourself in such a fix?" Orshallan asks, starting to dismount.

"Oh, Old Jack here is blind in one eye. Some fool bluejay startled him, and he shied to the side, and couldn't see the ditch," the old man says, thumping the offending wagon with his staff twice.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Unfettered/Bondblade)

* Far more suspicious than her newfound love Loviana eyes search the area for the ambush she has no doubt is coming but with a small, yet audible, sigh she gives in to the fact that their would be no way to convince Orshallan to ignore the old man’s plight. *

Her words of concern, a mixture of both real and fake, follow quickly behind those of Orshallan’s, “Well lucky neither of you where injured in the accident and I’m sure we can get you out of the ditch soon enough.”

* Joining Orshallan on the ground she places a tender hand on his shoulder as she gives a quick whispered word of cautious.*

“Be leery of magic my love, even if he is a simple man we cannot risk the stories of a young couple capable of wonderful magic and even greater piety.”

Speaking loudly so the old man can hear, “Maybe if we tied are horses to your wagon we can pull it free?”
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"A good idea, young lady," the old man says, and willingly takes the horses and ties them to his wagon with surprisingly nimble fingers. He clucks to them, as Orshallan pushes, and with a few moments of effort, the surprisingly heavy wagon is back on the road. Just in time for the half-dozen bandits inside to burst out, swords at the ready.

*They move with practiced grace, obviously having done this often. There is no tripping over each other, and no stumbling coming out of the wagon. The bandits wear well-fitting chainmail, and carry excellent shortswords with skill and ease. The scabbards show signs of hard wear, and loaded crossbows hang at their belts. Elegant torques, necklaces, armbands, and earrings show these are prosperous bandits.*

*One is a blocky youth that resembles a farmer's tow-headed son in all ways but for the shadows in his eyes. Two others resemble your typical street toughs, greasy-haired sell-swords with hair of indeterminate color, lean muscles, one with a broken nose, the other with a scared cheek. The fourth is an elegant half-elf that carries himself with the arrogance of a highborn. The fifth had skin and hair the color of dust, and his thin face regards you with dead, dry eyes. The six has the look of pirate, with a muticolored sash, black hair, saucy grin with several golden teeth, and a black eyepatch over his left eye.*

"Hand over your valuables, coin, gems, jewelry, weapons, and armor, and be swift, my fine fellow travelers," the pirate demands with a rakish grin at both Orshallan and Loviana.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Unfettered/Bondblade)

Loviana’s hands move, the long length of Skada reaches for the lead bandit’s legs, at about the same time as she speaks, “No way I’m not going to give you bloody heathens my wedding band!”

OOC: Her actions shouldn’t depend upon going first, but here they are:
Free Actions: Talking, Fast Drawing Skada (might be repetitive as she is storied in her gloves)
Full round attack; against the lead Pirate; she going to try and trip him (+8, improved trip, sweeping, I guess a whip doesn’t give a bonus to this action) if that succeeds she will use her following three attacks (free one from improved trip) to whip the snot out of him.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Loviana draws her scourge and lashes at the feet of the piratical bandit, pulling his feet out from under him. Skada laughs richly in her mind as Loviana procedes to flay the bandit nearly to death in three viscious strokes. Blood oozes from the rents in the bandits' armor and clothes, and the other five take a step back at the sight of their "scared prey" felling their leader so quickly.*

"Put down your weapons now, or more than your leader will die today," Orshallan declares, pulling his mace out and getting into a combat stance.

*The bandits hesitate for a moment, seemingly caught between avenging their leader and running.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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