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[Vile] Maiden of Pain's Redemption

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I can only pray she will stay her hand long enough for you to escape her reach, love," Orshallan says, looking at the letter sadly. "It will be delivered. I must go to Jenar to finish my atonement, and I will find one I trust to deliver this. After I return, we can go."

*Orshallan is gone for nearly an hour, giving the letter to the eternally-faithful Arnold, and spending an hour with Jenar, the new High Righteousness of the Invincible. When he returns, his face bears faint traces of tears, though he seems cheerful.*

"Let's leave Andeluvay my love, we have a great deal to explore," he says, giving her an embrace and tugging her in the direction of the stables.

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Unfettered/Bondblade)

With a small smile Loviana offers her agreement and a small, yet passionate kiss, “Indeed we do my love.”

* I look of worry crosses Loviana face as she allows her beloved to guide her to the stables. *

“I know what you talked about is probably not for my unholy ears but I will always be here to listen to you just like my love will be to comfort you. Is there anything you wish to talk about?”

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I have been the High Righteousness for many years, and giving up such an office is difficult. Handing the power over to Jenar was... harder than I thought. It was a difficult thing, to be the leader of the church, and to explain that I must leave to someone I consider far holier than I... it was hard to do," Orshallan explains as he shows her to a bay horse for her to ride. "Jenar will do well, which is why I'm happy, but he wanted to hear all of my reasons, and they were not easy to articulate.

"Come, we can talk on the road," Orshallan says finally, mounting on his own bay and moving out of the stables.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Rogue/Corruptor/Bondblade)

Loviana remains quite as she listens to Orshallan’s plight and she graciously accepts the help offered in climbing onto the bay horse. Settled onto the horse Loviana hides her uneasiness from Orshallan, it had been far to long since she had ridden a horse but she had no doubt it would all comeback to her quickly enough.

Bring the horse up next to Orshallan’s own horse Loviana nods in agreement, “Yes, I imagine we will have plenty of time to talk about it, and everything else.” With a small compassionate frown she offers her sympathy, “Though I am proud of you my dear, and so very sorry I have put you in that situation… I take it Jenar does not approve of me or of your actions then?”

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Orshallan gives a short laugh.*

"Jenar does not approve of anything but the Glory of Heironeous, and I hardly expected anything different out of him," he says as the two travel through the crowded streets of the city. The morning markets are in full swing, and many people are out early to get the day's bargins.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female

* Loviana doesn’t join Orshallan in his amusement; instead she scans the crowd carefully not waning to draw attention to herself as she searches for any signs of trouble. *

“I am sorry that it happened, I wish… Well, I guess I just wish for to much.”

Isida Kep'Tukari

"'If wishes were horses, beggars could ride,' Galdaron would always say. Come, the sooner we get out of Andeluvay, the better for the both of us," Orshallan says, riding onward quickly.

*Only once does Loviana catch any hint of danger. A flash of a cruel but beautiful elven face in the crowd... one of Loviatar's priestesses. They coming for her, soon.*

*Once out of Andeluvay, both can stretch their horses' legs westward, taking the lesser-known trails in order to hopefully shake off the initial pursuit. A half-day's travel brings them to the small town of Wilkin's Commons. It boasts a single inn, the Milch Cow, and is run by an old farming couple. The accomodations are a space on the floor, and the food is simple, hardy country fare, filling and tasty, if not too fancy. The majority of the patrons seem to be traveling farmers, simple craftsment, laborers, and a few others odd ones, adventurers mostly. Orshallan and Loviana fit into the last category, at least by sight.*

*Food here is served at long tables with benches, and you're elbow to elbow with the other patrons. A half-naked half-orc with bulging muscles, bearing the holy symbol of Kord branded into his chest leans over to Loviana.*

"Little one, what be bringing you out here beyond your chala? Such a varon should not wander dusty roads without a domalat," he rumbles, half in common, half in orc.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female

Loviana’s face is an expression of coldness that’s matched only by the icy stare of her gray blue eyes as she looks up in annoyance at the half-orc, “I’m not alone nor am I your type so do us both a favor and try your luck with some other varon.”

OOC: Intimidate (+11) if he gets physical quick draw the stiletto dagger from her hair.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Brother Shatterstone said:
Loviana’s face is an expression of coldness that’s matched only by the icy stare of her gray blue eyes as she looks up in annoyance at the half-orc, “I’m not alone nor am I your type so do us both a favor and try your luck with some other varon.”

OOC: Intimidate (+11) if he gets physical quick draw the stiletto dagger from her hair.
*The half-orc gives a deep and loud roar of laughter, and some of the other patrons give him a stare.*

"So, this varon be having thorns, eh? You be your own domalat, then. I like strong woman, my little raven varon. Care to test your strength against Kasag, a little usfesha, maybe?" Kasag says with a wide leering grin, displaying large, worn teeth and thick, short tusks. Orshallan places a hand at Loviana's side, letting her know he's ready to assist if she wants him to.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female

OOC: Amusing Loviana gets the drop on the Half-Orc her actions go like this…

* With quickness faster than the eye can conceive Loviana draws the stiletto and places the point sharply next to the Half-Orc’s throat long before her blonde hair finishing falling in waves to it’s unrestrained length. *

“I’m doubting I would enjoy that game… So we can play the game where I do the thrusting tonight or you can leave this thorny varon well enough alone.”

OOC: If she didn't get the drop then go as far as she got and I'll edit. Oh and Loviana died her hair blonde, and is wearing gray blue contacts… Not that it’s going to keep Loviatar away. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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