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[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Arc 1


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"A fine tale. I guess i could clarify my past a bit as well. I was born into a military farmily. The military was all i really knew, all i wanted out of life. I wasn't into stuff normal kids are into these days, horror films and comics and stuff. So don't think i started vampire hunting after reading one too many Dracula comic books. I joined the Marines, and eventually, when the Gulf war broke out, was shipped overseas. Seen alot of action out there. One night on a wide patrol, my squad crosses paths with a vampire. Massacred my whole squad, left me for dead. And in case you wonder why i use swords, well, i saw just what firearms do to vampires that night. Slows em down a bit. Not good enough. But in my experience in this city, slashing weapons were far more effective."

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Biggs was a soldier? Archer respected that. Military training could be a useful thing.

Archer nodded understandingly during Braddock's story of his past. He didn't appear at all bothered by mention of Braddock's work with Germans.

He shrugged, and continued in his unusual accent, "If I cared about patriotism I wouldn't have been working for the company you helped found.

"Which, I would suppose, leaves me," Archer hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I was made aware, after my embrace, that new vampires were not allowed to be created. My, erm, parent vampire was thought to be aware of this. Our paths crossed by coincidence while I was alive, and her motivations for embracing me despite LB's laws are unknown. It was, if you've noticed the bandages, an uneasy transition to the ranks of the undead. She...

Archer's voice trailed away, and he dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a tissue speckled with brown from yestereve's blood, but his speaking hadn't been noticeably troubled, "She rejected me, in a nutshell. Beyond that there was something wrong with what was happening, some unknown motivation at play in her decisions. She disappeared and left me to be found by LB's people. That's the condensed version of my story."

The harmless looking vampire fidgeted uncomfortably in his cell, his mind drawn back to his time locked in a wine cellar.


Biggs slams himself against. The door with an impressive *thud*. Is there a slight despression in the steel of the massive steel door? Biggs isn't sure.


First Post
"Well, i'm pretty hungry, so i'd say pretty determined. Considering we all complied last night, and did our best to be helpful, i'm a bit disapointed, to say the least, that they imprison us in here, keeping us half starved. At this point i really don't care much if i anger them by breaking their nice little vault door."


First Post
Archer looked back and forth between Biggs and the vault door, then shook his head. He shuffled back into one of his cell's far corners and became lost in thought for a short time.

Afterwards Archer spoke up from the back of his cell, "Beth, I may not have Braddock's talents with foraging through the conscious mind but my job used to, and might still be, of an investigative nature. If I could ever be of service in helping you discover your origins then let me know. We all seem to be in the same boat, after all."


[sblock=OOC]Please see the roadmap for the rest of night two.

edit: now with an infinitely larger number of verbs![/sblock]
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Festy_Dog said:
Archer looked back and forth between Biggs and the vault door, then shook his head. He shuffled back into one of his cell's far corners and became lost in thought for a short time.

Afterwards Archer spoke up from the back of his cell, "Beth, I may not have Braddock's talents with foraging through the conscious mind but my job used to, and might still be, of an investigative nature. If I could ever be of service in helping you discover your origins then let me know. We all seem to be in the same boat, after all."

"It'd be nice," she says. "But I wouldn't know where to start. It's strange; I remember almost nothing about her except that I... loved her? Is that the right word? I just can't explain it."


First Post
Archer frowned at the back of his cell. What Beth was describing sounded unnervingly like how he felt about his own sire. Was it...? The sensation didn't make much sense, but it was there.

"Don't worry, I think I know what you mean," he said understandingly, "There's plenty of time yet."


The Tank
Many hours pass uneventfully.

Perhaps two hours before dawn Diego returns slipping quietly into his cell. Shortly thereafter the vault door is opened again.

A tall man, is standing in the doorway. His large nose, prominent forehead, receding blood hairline and blue eyes give him a hawk-like mien. He has on a tattled duster and big cowboy boots.

Archer, Biggs and Cole know the man, their beasts squirm and shudder in his presence. Diego feels a horrible terror at the sight of him, but manages to keep a grip on himself. Beth does not, with a whimper she scampers to the back of her cell, plastering herself against the far wall.

LB, the Prince, clomps down the row of cells, looking each and every one of you over. His walk is slow, and his movements a have a gawky quality that bely his confident glare. As he passes you can see what look like bullet holes in the back of his jacket.
[sblock=Archer - Technophile]Small arms fire, from the accompanying burns on the edges some were at very close range. A quick whiff confirms a smell of gunpower.
He doesn't look like a man who got shot 8 times tonight, of course.[/sblock]

Evening sir, he says to Cole.
Archer is greeted with a "Gums".
He looks sourly at Biggs but doesn't stop.
He stops in front of Diego. Don't be opening no doors that don't need opening son. You're in enough trouble already.
Finally he comes to rest in front of Beth's cell. He stands there frowning for a minute as the young woman mindlessly claws against the concrete trying to get a way from him.

Finally, looking away from Beth with a grunt he bellows Come on in Giselle.
An attractive red haired woman in a tight green dress slinks into the doorway.

Archer succumbs to Rötschreck. He throws himself against the bars of his cell, squeezing an arm through clawing feverishly as if he could force his entire body through the impossibly small opening.

Giselle, favors the group with a bored look and a vague smile at Cole. After a moment she mimes a yawn, makes a slow turn and strolls out of the tank.

Come on Blackie, haven't got all day!
A tiny woman, already known to most everyone, thuds into the room in her black leather jacket and combat boots. In addition to her scarred cheek, an chuck of ear missing she looks burned, recently at that.
Get 'em out of here and upstairs LB jerks a thumb at Beth this one too. Then he squeezes down the tight corridor and out of the room.

Blackcoat moves down the room toward Beth's cell.

Her enhanced senses pick up the sound of LB clomping up the stairs he's gone she thinks, and her frenzy eases.
The sight of Blackcoat sets her beast off again, but even standing straight up Blackcoat is a head shorter than she, looking at the scars and black clothing make her think, improbably, a dog.
Some dark unpleasant part of her chuckles and there is no frenzy..

For his part Archer seems to have recovered himself now that Giselle has disappeared.
[sblock=Archer - Auspex]You can hear LB upstairs. You freaked out Gums beautiful. Best take off. It's getting late anyhow.

The knowledge that Giselle is leaving is enough to help you shake off Rötschreck.[/sblock]

Blackcoat silently lets the motley group out of their cells and you're led upstairs to the second floor.
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