VTT Use Data by Game Played - ???


Victoria Rules
Every now and then - each quarter, I think - someone (probably @Morrus ) used to post data in here showing what percentage of VTT games were played using what system (e.g. D&D 5e, Pathfinder, CoC, etc.), usually in a great big pie chart.

I don't know what these threads were titled, and search finds me nothing; hand-scrolling back through last April doesn't find one either. Can someone point me to the most recent such data, and is that data still being issued?

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Kara Ejder
I don't know if they can gather data for Foundry VTT and Fantasy Grounds, but Roll20 definitely has data for opened game rooms. Couldn't find the correct stats in the forum somehow, but internet has something like this.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yes, we cover it for FG and Roll20. I can't remembe roffhand what I call the thread titles though, so it would need a search. They are in the General TTRPG forum.


Victoria Rules
Yes, we cover it for FG and Roll20. I can't remembe roffhand what I call the thread titles though, so it would need a search. They are in the General TTRPG forum.
Any idea roughly when the last one was? I hand-scrolled back through TTRPG-General from current through last April and didn't find any such threads.


Is there a way to account for Foundry use? Im not sure on that VTT.

Probably not fully, since it's essentially a self-installed piece of software that doesn't run out of any one centralized service. The best they could probably do is look at the subset of Foundry users who host through The Forge - assuming that service has the capability to gather that usage data and willingness to do so.

Voidrunner's Codex

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