The Souljourner
First Post
apsuman said:So, if there is a 10 foot wide vertical wall of force in an otherwise open area and caster is on one side and unwilling dupe is on ther other, would a color spray "go around" the wall and effect the guy or not?
Let's see, color spray is a burst, and wall of force most definitely gives cover, so no, it's not going to magically (heh) go around the wall of force and work on the dupe.
apsuman said:If the same wall of force blocked a direct line from the caster's eyes to the target's eyes would charm person fail?
Eyes? Charm person doesn't have anything to do with eyes. You need line of effect to the target. If you can trace a line from a point in your square to a point in his, you can target him. If not, then not.
apsuman said:What if the wall were such that the eastern most half of each combatant were not covered?
As above, there's a line of effect to the target, therefor you can affect him.
apsuman said:Would detect secret doors allow you to see a secret door on the other side of a wall of force?
Certainly not. It is impervious to magic. The area of effect of the detect spell would stop at the wall of force.
apsuman said:Also, since the description says that spells can not pass, would that explain why cloudkill would not get through the wall but air would?
Sure. I suppose there aren't many non-magical airborne poisons in the game... few enough that it doesn't matter. Still, seems like if something as mundane as air can get through, magic ought to be able to also.
apsuman said:I don't really want answers to these questions
Too late!
apsuman said:Personally I would not asphixiate a person trapped in a chamber made airtight by a wall of forcer (or forcecage) simply because it seems to cheap, easy, and overpowering way to use the spell.
I'd try to make sure it doesn't happen more than once a campaign... it's the whole cold-war analogy: You don't forcecage our mages, and we won't Mordenkain's Disjunction your party.
-The Souljourner