First Post
A man wearing a black hurridley attaches a scrap of paper to the board.
It has come to my attention that there is a warrant out for the arrest of one Xerber Wandro. I myself am offering a substantia bounty for his capture. Below is the attached warrant. If interested in either justice or coin, leave a message here, and an associate of mine will contact you.
-Lord Ottromous
The man then pins a warrant underneath and races off.
High court of the Navy Arnul
To any peace officer of the realm: Complaint upon oath having been brought before me that a very serious crime has been committed, the utter destruction of our city of Arnul, and accusing Xerber Wandro of the same, you are hereby commanded forthwith to arrest and bring that person before me. Signed, Weatherby Terral, high judge.
It has come to my attention that there is a warrant out for the arrest of one Xerber Wandro. I myself am offering a substantia bounty for his capture. Below is the attached warrant. If interested in either justice or coin, leave a message here, and an associate of mine will contact you.
-Lord Ottromous
The man then pins a warrant underneath and races off.
High court of the Navy Arnul
To any peace officer of the realm: Complaint upon oath having been brought before me that a very serious crime has been committed, the utter destruction of our city of Arnul, and accusing Xerber Wandro of the same, you are hereby commanded forthwith to arrest and bring that person before me. Signed, Weatherby Terral, high judge.