Wanted: Dangerous Criminal

Then if your associates come to the tavern looking for this Xerber Wandro I will be forced to defend him from a wrongful taking...in otherwords kidnapping. and I am to be informing the local Constabulary of your actions do not let anyone come after him in the tavern.

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Then luckily for me, my quarrels never come to blows, they usually end with a knife caught in someone's back. Do whatever you like, kill any bounty hunters who choose to bring him to justice, there will always be more.


First Post
Again you choose not to think. I am not associated with the Navy of Arnul except that they requested that I aid them in the recovery of thier most wanted criminal. This is what I do. I retrieve things. And the Navy of Arnul technically has jurisdiction in this area and have the right to extradition from this area's constabulary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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