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Warcraft RPG??


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I hope that there are more races than the those 4 available to fer this game. I can think of a few more: Tauren, Trolls (the good ones that are allied with the orcs, really weird but good nonetheless), High Elves. Hopefully those are in.

If i DM this game which is most likely the case, i would put in restrictions fer the races. To me only Humans and high Elves can be full blown wizards, maybe dwarfs (wierd but i have seen it happen). Everyone else has to be a sorceror to cast spells like a wizard. Paladins only Humans are allowed, probably clerics as well, paladins in the Warcraft universe are EXTREMELY different from a "DND" paladin. The reasoning is that the populations are so segergated, you wont see a Human teach an orc on wizardary, very very unlikely. Night elves hate magic. I am gonna have to put these in cause the players i play with do crap like this. Damned annoying when not played correctly.

Example: Dwarven Mortar Team. A Human wants to play that. Why would a dwarf teach them on how to use a mortar?? And dont give me he can teach himself bit, probably blow himself up first :)

As fer pretige classes, dont get me started.

My knowledge is from the novels and not just the games. I recommend them they are pretty good to read, if yer gonna play the RPG.

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oops my mistake, I havent played War3 in awhile. There maybe some discrepincies. What where they called again?? Cant remember. The games or the books never did go much into religions.


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Hi all! My name is Bob Fitch. I am an 11-year veteran at Blizzard. I started programming back when we were doing Rock 'N' Roll Racing and I'm still here. I was the Lead Programmer for Starcraft and Brood War. I have programmed the game engines of Warcraft, War2, and War3. I have been playing D&D since I was 11 years old, so that's 23 years now. One of my specialties here at Blizzard is game design and game balance in addition to my programming duties.

Why do you care about any of this? I am pretty much in joint control of the WC RPG content (with Mike from these boards, Chris Metzen our “Story God” here at Blizzard, Andrew, Deirdre, and others). Some of the things I pressed for (and pressed HARD! for) are game balance and D&D compatibility. I wanted more than anything to have a system that could pick up a piece here or a piece there and drop it into ANY campaign whether it be WC RPG or not. I believe that's what we managed to do.

I also wanted to make sure the system was well balanced. I have a lot of experience with game balance in general, and I have a say in every balance decision being made for WC RPG. Again I would have to say that anyone worried about that can rest easy. I think we did a pretty good job of getting it balanced.

I was not involved with ANY of the Diablo content WotC put out. It was not as useful to my own games at home as it could have been. I pushed hard to get involved with the WC RPG. I think you will all love what we’ve done, and I know it will be 100% useful in all MY home campaigns whether I run WC ROG or not. I am dying to start a WC RPG campaign here at work once we release this bad boy. :)



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In the human side the elves are clerics.

In the night elves side you have priestress of the moon, druids of the talon and the druids of the claw.


First Post
Yah i went to the site to check them out. This is definately gonna be wierd. I believe the night elves are gonna be druids not clerics, shape shifting and stuff.


MasterLich said:
Yah i went to the site to check them out. This is definately gonna be wierd. I believe the night elves are gonna be druids not clerics, shape shifting and stuff.

The High Elves are priests (and spell breakers and dragonhawk riders after the expansion is released, playing the beta now). High Elves also become Blood Elves after vannila War3.

Night Elves have druids, but Druids of the Claw can still heal with Rejuvinate (tier 2 ability). Right now in the beta druids can cast certain spells even in bear/crow form (roar/faerie fire).

I'm actually more curious to see how auras and AoE abilities (healing ward, dispel) are handled. I hope these aren't canned.


Registered User
Indeed. A friend of mine has the "Art of WarCraft III" book and the concept art inside is just sooo droolworthy. I'm hoping that some of Blizzard's own artists contributed heavily!!
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