D&D (2024) Weapon expert feature should be merged into Weapon mastery by default.


Because, in reality it adds next to nothing in character power, as you can only have a certain number of masteries, only one mastery per weapon.
And you still need to abide by rules what mastery can be on what kind of weapon. No vex on heavy 2Handers and no graze on dual wielding light weapons.

Second, it also gives more creativity with weapons when creating characters,
now we can expect that 99% of melee rogues will be Shortsword(Vex) plus Scimitar(nick) mastery combos. Yay!

It also gives more freedom to DMs to give out different magic weapons, not carefully examining what weapon exactly does the players use.

And finally, it opens up fighters 7th level for Weapon adept, a feature that is at 13th level too little too late.
maybe 13th level can be that you can "prepare" 3 weapon masteries per weapon. maybe you could then use two masteries per attack.
Now that could be worth a 13th level of a class.

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The question is do you find the ability to choose a mastery that's not in traditional flavor for a given mastery worth waiting 7 (let's be honest, 5, because 1 and 2 no longer matter) levels to get to?

Is knocking dudes over with a Greatsword, keeping people at bay, or getting a sad +1 damage to a halberd really worth it?


The question is do you find the ability to choose a mastery that's not in traditional flavor for a given mastery worth waiting 7 (let's be honest, 5, because 1 and 2 no longer matter) levels to get to?

Is knocking dudes over with a Greatsword, keeping people at bay, or getting a sad +1 damage to a halberd really worth it?
now they value ability to pick masteries for weapons as 7th level, so picking beyond rules seem OK,
let's not be too greedy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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