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[WFRP] Through the Drakwald


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[sblock]Through the chatter of the crowd you manage to overhear a few of the locals discussing the rumor the a new garrison for Untergard is on the way north from Altdorf.[/sblock]

[sblock]Through the chatter of the crowd you manage to overhear a few of the locals discussing the rumor that Father Dietrich, Untergard’s new priest, possesses a holy relic.[/sblock]

The Bridge at Untergard (73 KB jpg image)

After several minutes of idle chatter a ripple runs through the crowd as Captain Schiller appears. One of his watchmen sets up a box for him to stand on. He mounts it spryly for a man of his age. Though his uniform is torn and his armour dented, Captain Schiller still commands the respect of the crowd. He only needs to motion once before the crowd quiets down.

People of Untergard” he begins, “this is a glorious day. I have received a letter from Count Todbringer of Middenheim. The old wolf still lives and the city of Middenheim also stands strong!

The crowd cheers and once again Schiller must motion for silence.

Count Todbringer sends his thanks to all of Untergard for the part we played in hampering the invaders. He said, and I quote, ‘the battle for the Untergard Bridge will go down as one the most glorious battles in Middenland’s history.’ Be proud, people of Untergard, for our sacrifices have not been in vain!

When the cheers die down, Schiller continues. “To show his gratitude for our valour, the Count has sent us a token of his appreciation.” The captain reaches into a bag and pulls out a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. “We were honoured to receive thirty loaves of bread and a dozen bottles of wine, straight from Middenheim.

The crowd goes wild at the sight of the Count’s largesse, hungry eyes fixed on the fresh bread in the Captain’s hands. They begin to chant, “Long live the Count! Long live the Count!” Schiller holds bread and wine high in the air as the hardened survivors of Untergard shout themselves hoarse.

Suddenly, there is a loud crack and the bottle shatters, showering Schiller and the bread with glass and wine. Pandemonium erupts as the crowd scatters in panic.

None of you can determine where the shot originated from, however a few moments after the shot you see three hideous Mutants coming across the bride. One has bestial legs, the second has a pig-like snout, and the only has one-eye and leathery skin. As they get closer, you can see the hatred that burns in their eyes.

End of Combat Round 1 (36 KB jpg image)

(OOC: Though the mutants are already coming across the bridge it will take each of you one round to get to the bridge. In your next post, let me know your starting position for round 3. You can start in any A or B square. Also roll for initiative and include with your next post. M1 is the mutant with bestial legs, M2 is the mutant with the pig-like snout, and M3 is the mutant with one-eye and leathery skin. Each mutant is carrying a crude wooden club.)
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Karl Green

First Post
Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)

Jurgen listens to Captain Schiller’s speech, nodding his head in agreement. He is just starting to relax a bit, licking his lips at that thought of some wine, when the shot cracks through the air! Looking around a bit confused for a second or two, Jurgen is horrified at the sight of the mutants crossing the bridge.

Muttering to himself “A pocks on ye lot! That was good wine I wager” Jurgen quickly draws an arrow, lines up on the pig-snouted mutant and fires

(OCC Initiative (Ag) 42+1d10 =46. Rapid Reload, not sure when he can fire, but as soon as he can… (BS) 49% rolling 08%! a hit to the left leg. Damage is 1d10+3 =8 points. Jurgen is NOT moving, he will stay back and continue to rain arrows on the mutants until they get into close-combat with others, then he will start moving up /OCC)


Tobias (Male Human Soldier)

The older man takes the initiate's hand, shaking it once, I wonder where he lost that finger, and proffering a nod to the quiet bowman at the same time. "Ragen it is, then. Let's be hoping that it's true Altdorf's sending troops up to re-garrison."

He settles with the rest of the crowd to hear the captain speak, casting his eyes downward almost involuntarily when the veteran chances to look in his direction. Damn but you know if anyone's going to sniff you for a deserter it's that man. "No flies on Schiller," they say. When Schiller reveals the news about Middenheim, Tobias' heart surges as he whispers "Thank the wolf" near-inaudibly beneath the crowd's rapture. When they quiet down again, his eyes wander over the men around the captain's box, searching for an unfamiliar face, anyone who might be able to tell him more of the fate of the wider province after business is discharged. If they came from the Count, they came from the right direction. What of Delberz? Am I even going the right way?

He cheers along with the crowd, distracted by his train of thought and heedless to the captain's exact words. The sharp report of a firearm brings his attention rudely back into focus, the shock driving trained reflexes as he half-draws his blade and glances about to try to locate the shooter. The more immediate threat of the mutants dominates, however, and Tobias' first impression of the survivors of Untergard leads him to dismiss the prospect of their effective resistance. But the army's moved on, hasn't it, and left these - left us - to fate and fortune. Bread and wine, indeed!

"Chaos-twisted filth!" he spits, shrugging his shield onto his left arm and tightening the strap even as he starts towards the bridge, "They've at least one more than these with a gun, so do what you can about that and don't just stand there!" He wrestles the sword all the way free as he moves, heart pounding harder than his feet as he nears the bridge. Sigmar and Shallya, don't let this kill me...

(OOC - Can Tobias attempt a Perception test to see if he can work out who brought the supplies from the Count?)

(OOC - Initiative (AG+1d10) = 43; at the start of round 2, Tobias will be at B5)


First Post
By Sigmar, this is all we need.

Ragen's first though as the bottle smashes is of the assembled mob.

A panicked group like this is going to be a slaughter. Those that those things don't kill are like to get trampled.

Ragen raises his hammer high and shouts to the crowd:

"Be calm, let the fighting men handle this. Move away quickly, but calmly, and we'll all be the safer for it."

(OOC: Start position B3. Init (Agi + d10) = 36. Using Charm/Public speaking on the crowd. Also will use perception/excellent vision to pick out the sniper. Roll as you need to :) )


First Post
Combat Round 2

(OOC: I actually rolled for everyone to spot the sniper and not be surprised last round. Everyone failed, that is why the mutants are already starting on the bridge.)

The mob is too large and frenzied for Ragen’s calming words to ring true. However, the Ackerplatz is large enough to accommodate the human wave escaping the area.

Then with blinding speed, Jurgen nocks an arrow and looses on the pig-snouted mutant landing an arrow directly in the chaos infested being’s left leg slowing it to a crawl.
(OOC: Using the attack posted above.)

As Tobias and Ragen ready arms and move into battle positions, Jurgen fires a second arrow, dropping the pig-snouted monstrosity in an already forming blood pool.
(OOC: 31% attack roll, hit to the head, max damage, brutal rolling. :] )

The remaining mutants, unfazed by the demise of their “comrade,” sprint to meet the soldier and initiate in hand-to-hand combat. The first mutant leads the charge with its animalistic legs carrying the twisted being with blinding speed.

(OOC: Tactical map at the end of combat round 2 is here . Jurgen is still in the Ackerplatz raining down arrowy death. R is Ragen and T is Tobias. The pig-snouted mutant is dead.)

(OOC: Post your round 3 actions. All three of you have higher initiative than the mutants. It is ok if you roll for actions and if appropriate include damage rolls.)
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First Post
Ragen Shumann (Male Human Initiate of Sigmar)

Ragen watches as the mutant drops in a flurry of the hunter's arrows.

By God, another volley like that might save our skin. He readies himself as the beast legged mutant lumbers towards him.

No escaping it now, better put my faith in Sigmar. He glanced at the soldier standing beside him. And more importantly, in young Tobias there.

The initiate raises his hammer above his head and shouts "Siiigmarrr!", as he runs into the approaching melee.

(OOC: Ragen will charge attack mutant M1, moving to E3. WS +10% (charge bonus)= 42. Attack roll = 41.
HIt location = 14 (head)
Damage = SB (2)+d10 (5) = 7)
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Karl Green

First Post
Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)

With a grim smile, Jurgen nocks a third arrow and fires at the one-eyed, leathery skin mutant, hoping to at least wound it before it gets into hand-to-hand combat. Lining up the shot, and losing it in one smooth flow, the arrow sails straight and true, and snicks deep into the beast’s leg! Jurgen will then move toward the bridge to support those there…

(occ BS (49%), As Jurgen has Quick Draw, can also take the Aim Action (+10%) if he does not move. Attack roll is 38, a hit, to its left leg (I guess they have big legs!), Damage 9! +3 =12 /occ)


Tobias (Male Human Soldier)

The hiss of the archer's second arrow caused Tobias to wince in memory of the gunshot. Whoever that was will be about done reloading now, if they know their drill. His heart surges as the pig-faced beast slips to the bloody cobbles, only to sink again as the demonic speed of the lead mutant becomes clear. Gritting his teeth, he sees Ragen's intent written across his face, and steps left, ready to keep pace with the tall young man as they drive into the leading creature. Teach him to outrun his mates, we will! Give that young killer a chance to feather another, too, and I'm no man to wish myself an arrow in the back even so.

As the two men reach their enemy, he swings his sword obviously to the monster's left side, tempting its attention onto him. Watch me, scum. Don't pay the man with the hammer any heed... His eyes take in the approach of the last mutant on their flank, and sets his jaw into a grimace, already keeping his feet placed to enable an evasion, a turn to place the shield to cover whichever flank becomes necessary. And if this fails, let Sigmar protect his own.

(OOC - Tobias charges to E4 (full action), his effective WS is 49 and attack roll 34 - a hit to the left arm. Damage is SB (3) + 1 (Strike Mighty Blow) + 1d10 (9) = 13. Strike to Injure gives a +1 bonus to criticals if relevant. He has a parry (effective WS 49 from the shield) and Avoid Blow (AG 36) available if necessary later in the round)
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First Post
Combat Round 3

As Jurgen aims and fires another true striking arrow into the one-eyed monstrosities leg, Tobias and Ragen charge to meet the lead mutant. Tobias leads the charge, his sword biting into the twisted beings left flank. Almost simultaneously, Ragen assaults the beast with a massive blow to the head, dropping the bestial legged mutation in a crumpled pile of twisted flesh.

In a last empty gesture the wounded leathery-skinned cyclops charges and swings at Tobias, only landing a glancing blow, not even enough to disturb the young soldier as he squares himself to ready for his next maneuver.

A second gunshot many of the watchmen expected never comes and you can hear them starting to maneuver out of cover and approach the bridge.

(OOC: I haven’t had a chance to update the combat map yet, but Ragen and Tobias are engaged in melee with the leathery-skinned, one-eyed mutant. Ragen is at E3, Tobias at E4, and the remaining mutant at F4. Jurgen has managed to make his way to A6.)


Tobias (Male Human Soldier)

"Good work, Ragen!" Tobias' voice has a ragged edge to it, his teeth clenched tight in his jaw as the numbness of first contact with the enemy wears off all too soon for his liking.

As the beast-legged horror sinks to the floor of the bridge he advances around it, carefully planting his feet to avoid slipping on the blood-slicked stones, shield raised to ward off the last visible enemy while he does so. He winces as the newcomer slips through his defences, rolling his body backwards about the waist to absorb as much of the weak blow as he can and burning from the ache of the near-healed bruises down his left side. Damn! That could've been nasty.

Tobias uses the shield's upward motion to conceal the first of a pair strikes, stabbing out from under it towards his enemy's belly, before dropping the shield and bringing his sword around to make a heavy slash at the one-eyed beast's left side.

(OOC - Tobias makes a swift attack (rolls 86 and 14 for one hit on the left arm), damage total is 3 + 1 + 1d10 (10) = 14 (Ulric's Fury confirmation comes up 98). He keeps the same defensive capacities available as last round.)
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