D&D General What’s your D&D New Year’s Resolution?


Doing the best imitation of myself
Same here. Are you the GM or a player?
I'm running it. The group is on the library level and having a ghoulishly good time. I am also listening to Tabletop Gold, which is a podcast where they are playing the campaign. It's helped me a lot with foreshadowing of events and some horrible jokes and puns.

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I'm running it. The group is on the library level and having a ghoulishly good time. I am also listening to Tabletop Gold, which is a podcast where they are playing the campaign. It's helped me a lot with foreshadowing of events and some horrible jokes and puns.
The library was.. memorable? :ROFLMAO:

I ended up TPKing my group in area C33/C34 because my group took the bait and ended up combining both encounters into 1. I was impressed they almost pulled it off though. That was actually my first TPK in any system ever, so yay? Otherwise the library went pretty well. For being a dungeon crawl, there's enough story and background you can lean into which has done a good job keeping my group interested. We're currently finishing up the Arena level, there's probably 3 rooms left to explore and then they'll be level 6 and on to the Laboratories. My aim is to be finished mid-spring and then we'll move straight into the Stolen Fate AP to get them to 20.

Finish my house-rules for B/X which puts everything into a Core Three format and more successfully mimics Thundarr and He-Man and so forth. Oh, and then run for my wife and daughters, and my gaming table.

EDIT: Core Three in this case means Fighter, Thief, Magic-User, not PHB, DMG, MM. Upon rereading my post, I wasn’t clear in that.
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Getting a hang of this!
As a GM:
1. Finally finish the Spelljammer campaign I've been meaning to finish for a while now.

2. Resist that constant urge to start something new before finishing what I have already started. I have so many Planescape ideas, but I actually want to finish something first.

3. Focus more on adapting sessions to reflect the PCs' abilities and strengths!

As a player:
1. Play at some point?

Oh, also : show some damn restraint when it comes to backing rpg kickstarters. Or at least hold back on going the hardcopy version and go for the pdf once in a while. I’ve got probably two dozen hardback pledges pending (some of which are big multibook packages), and have a bit of buyers remorse on maybe 4-5 already. And shelf space is becoming an issue…

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Oh, also : show some damn restraint when it comes to backing rpg kickstarters. Or at least hold back on going the hardcopy version and go for the pdf once in a while. I’ve got probably two dozen hardback pledges pending (some of which are big multibook packages), and have a bit of buyers remorse on maybe 4-5 already. And shelf space is becoming an issue…
Yup - I just got Brindlewood Bay today, and since I backed it in May 2022, I've played a 4 session game based on the Drive Thru old pdf. And it was... fun; but i don't ever see playing that game again with that group, and I definitely don't see playing it more than once or twice more. Which leads to my first resolution...

My resos:
  1. Back fewer crowsfunds, as others have also said. The FOMO at the time of backing leads often inevitably to disappointment/ennui when the actual product arrives. This is even when in 95%+ of the cases I don't look at the pdfs or preview copies before the dead tree arrives
  2. Read all my Advanced 5E books (I own most of the rulesy type books and the Holdenshire adventure)
  3. Kick off my Strixhaven game with my kids. We'll see how it goes - tbh I'm not very optimistic but maybe I can spin glitter from dross
  4. Kick off another game with a friend who was like "Chris, I want to play a long term RPG campaign". This will probably be in person, running Stonetop, Legacy Life Among the Ruins, Blades in the Dark, D&D 4e, Fellowship, or Sword/Crown/Unspeakable Power.
  5. Maybe try to delve deeper into my d23 setting I created, fleshing out some of the regions further and adding NPCs, monsters, and more backstory
Oh, and edited to add a non RPG resolution - get a job or kick off my business and get it into cash flow positivity. Not having income sucks. (But it does help out with resolution 1 lol)

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