D&D General What’s your D&D New Year’s Resolution?

These are more tentative plans than resolutions, I consider all the RPGs on this list "fantasy", so...

Supposedly the ShadowDark physical products will ship out within 1-3 weeks, so we are planning to start that campaign in the middle of Jan 2024. As I've been the primary DM/GM I'm glad I'll finally get to play.

I highly doubt that our group will play any version of D&D in the foreseeable future, if ever. I'm still on the fence on whether I'll buy the revised D&D2024, most likely not, but curiosity may get the best of me. There're only two reasons that I can think of that would get me playing D&D again. One is if I do pick up the D&D2024 core books and the revisions and re-organizations are so good that it's easier to DM and play. The second is that if my current group disbands and the only other group I could find was playing D&D. At that point and at my age I'd probably just stop playing altogether.

I'm going to continue the ModernAGE campaign I started this fall, and hope to try out the Marvel Multiverse RPG.

If I were to truly make a resolution it would be to actually completely read the core books for any game I'm playing/running. I have a bad habit of reading bits and pieces and then jumping right in. My attention span is pretty short these days.

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My D&D related new years resolution is to buy the 2024 PHB, read the whole thing as if it were brand new, and build some characters by hand to test it out and make me understand it. Then I will use that knowledge to help me run the beginner games here at our store with the new rules. (PS - If you're near Anchorage, Alaska and want to learn how to play D&D, please stop by on a Wednesday night.)

My D&D goals are
1) Continue to document my personal setting, largely finishing 1 or more continents
2) Get some of my Homebrew backlog finished (mostly for personal use)
3) Finish the FFXV for DND bestiary as well as other parts of it
4) Have my current campaign reach level 12
5) Compile my homebrew table rules into a single document

If you can’t tell, I love to homebrew, lol.

For publication?!?
Unfortunately no. It’s a passion project for me, so I dont want to profit from it. Initially, I want to release it as a text only pdf release, but eventually with custom statblock designs and quality images as well.

Edit: Just to clarify, it will be a free supplement for whoever wants it.
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I've been wanting to get back to D&D and run a few sessions with a new XP system I've had bouncing around my head. I've also got a Summoner class that I've been meaning to give more table time to. Any more than that would be setting myself up for failure since Sci-fi has taken over my table for at least the next 6 months.

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