D&D 5E What’s your favorite class?

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Yes, I have some issues with the mechanics of it (IMO sorcery points should either recharge on a short rest, or else be equal to twice your current sorcerer level), but after my character shrapnel-bombed a remorhaz into sausage with animate objects and then dropped his first disintegrate on a purple worm and turned it to dust . . . Sorcerer is my favorite.

Normally, I LIKE bard. The past three editions, I did. One of my favorites. 5e bard.... not as much. There's something off about it to me.


Yes, I have some issues with the mechanics of it (IMO sorcery points should either recharge on a short rest, or else be equal to twice your current sorcerer level), but after my character shrapnel-bombed a remorhaz into sausage with animate objects and then dropped his first disintegrate on a purple worm and turned it to dust . . . Sorcerer is my favorite.

We use the Spell Points variant from the DMG, so for my sorcerers, I allow them to just lump their Sorcery Points and Spell Points into the same pool. A 2nd level Sorcerer would normally have 6 Spell points, and 2 Sorcery Points, so I just lump it to 8 total points, with the metamagics costing Spell Points. This way, a sorcerer can weaken their overall spell selection in a day to get more advantage out of their sorcery points. Just thought I'd toss that out there in case you'd like a chance to play around with that method - my sorcerers love it, and it doesn't bring any balance issue to the table (so far). Who knows with new Sorcerer paths coming out, what they'll do with it.

As far as my favorite class, yes - I love 5E Bard, but I love every class from 5E with a few homebrew tweaks. Ranger, in example, can't stand RAW, but my players and I spent a week making our own version that works in line with the other classes. If I truly had to choose a favorite, it'd be Fighter from the PHB, or Blood Hunter from Mr. Mercer.

Normally, I LIKE bard. The past three editions, I did. One of my favorites. 5e bard.... not as much. There's something off about it to me.

I’ve always been a bard fan and the 5e version is my favorite. Finally has a jack of all trades feel and they solved the problem of action economy. The 3ed version was horrible because I felt like a +1 bonus battery for the group and not much else. Everyone got to do cool stuff and I passed out buffs.

My son has played a Bard to excellent effect - he turned into the ghost of his 4e Warlord for a while, and off-tanked half the enemies in a doorway without getting a scratch.
Based on my play so far, I like a Rogue/Monk (going Arcane Trickster / Open Hand) or Ranger / Rogue.

I was creating a Tiefling Bard Criminal for the AL Stradh season, but my work hours got in the way of play.


The 5e cleric has such a great range of builds, and the experience of playing each is totally different. There are tweaks that I'd like (fewer heavy armour proficiencies; a cantrip that lets you roll to-hit) but apart from that, I think it's brilliant.

(so I guess I'm wrong?)

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