D&D 5E What’s your favorite class?

If you forgive me for advertisement, check the en5ider noble. It does the job
The OGL version with just two subclasses is in my downloads. (Pinky swear I'll write a follow up soon)
I'd love to see some more Noble subclasses. A third caster like the Eldritch Knight, a companion subclass, a tactician subclass that gets more and better uses for Direct Ally, but not a complete substitution like Vicarious Attack.

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As a gish addict, I'm going to say Sorcerer. I love being able to attack and cast in the same turn with Quickened Spell, I normally take a Fighter or Paladin dip for defences and armour proficiency. This is just personal preference, it suits my preferred playstyle best.

I think the least well designed class is Warlock. The best part of the class is Eldritch Blast, which scales based on character level. Agonising Blast at 2, Pact of the Chain at 3, ASI at 4 are all things that Warlock gives that are useful as they are throughout the levels and the rest of Warlock isn't worth it compared to, say, Bard or Sorcerer. Unless you're going Bladelock but even that needs a Fighter dip to be even somwehat optimal.

My go-to classes are fighter and warlock. I occasionally dabble in the other classes, but only if they better suit the image I have for my character than the other two.

If it's mundane, default fighter. If it's magic, default warlock.

Bard is my favorite and has been for some time. I liked the 4e Bard best but I enjoy playing a 5e Bard, much more so than 3e. Right now I'm playing a Lore Bard in our off game who is a melee combatant. I took Magic Initiate to gain Booming Blade, Greenflame Blade, and Shield. I use Tenser's Transformation for heavy combat or sword cantrips with Crusader's Mantle when I don't need to crank out damage. With Cutting Words I'm able to protect my allies, while I can use Shield for myself. Smite spells are great for Bards. Don't overlook them. You have lots of spell slots and you can use them in conjunction with sword cantrips.

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