D&D 5E What’s your favorite class?

I haven't tried the 5E Bard. Mainly because I can't sing and I feel I would be doing the class a disservice with my role playing at the table.

I'm going with paladin. They can fight, have some magic, trow in some social skills. I can always contribute something, no matter the situation. I like to have some versatility. So I think my next character will be an arcane trickster. Haven't tried the 5E rogue yet and it sounds like a lot of fun.

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I think XGTE will change up every bodies lists, because subclasses can make a huge difference.

Originally Sorceror was dead last, but with Shadow Magic and Divine Soul, it's now first.

Previously it was bard, with College of Whispers, College of Glamour, and College of Blades it's still second.

Then comes Paladin and Oath of Conquest makes it cooler.

War Mage and Circle of the Sheppard boosts the appeal of the Wizard and Druid respectively.

Celestial and Hexblade are cool, but don't shift the Warlock one way or the other.

Barbarian was second last, so Ancestoral Guardian, Zealot, and Storm Herald boost that up alot.

Monk is now probably the lowest.

Horizon Walker really boosted Ranger up high for me.

Cleric is cool, but for some reason playing one doesn't interest me.

So the list for me is as follows.


I am a melee guy tried and true so I like melee classes fighter monk Barbarian. Something about mixing it up close is cool though I do also like snipers you know those Archer guys as while but not a big magic guy will use it but melee is the main theme

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The 5e cleric has such a great range of builds, and the experience of playing each is totally different. There are tweaks that I'd like (fewer heavy armour proficiencies; a cantrip that lets you roll to-hit) but apart from that, I think it's brilliant.

(so I guess I'm wrong?)

I made a Radiant Lance for my players.

Evocation Cantrip

Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 90ft
Components: V,S,M (piece of red-stained glass)
Duration: Instant

You hold out your hand and project a thin beam of pure golden light at a single creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target's Armor Class. If it hits, the creature takes 1d6 points of radiant damage. The next of your allies that successfully hits the target gains 3 temporary hit points.

At levels 5, 11, and 17, the radiant damage increases by 1d6 and the temporary hit points increase by 2.

I pretty much made this because I have a player who feels the same as you - loves the diversity of cleric, but just really wanted a spell attack cantrip. Figured can't go wrong with lower damage than sacred flame for a nice damage debuff (even if temporary).

My favorite concept is a Warrior at home in the wilderness who uses a Longsword or Greatsword as his primary weapon, and Longbow as his ranged weapon. So it's pretty MAD to begin with!

Ranger, Fighter, and Barbarian are my favorite classes. The one that tops out the other two depends on the day. Multi-classing all three is my favorite.

Spellcaster, for sure.

Most likely a mage["wizard"] type, though I do enjoy druids and the occasional cleric. Maybe a "witch" type, if it's a good homebrew. Or some multi-class that includes that (illusionist/thief or mage/cleric, for example). Not bards, typically, because they are really [supposed to be] kind of more "dabblers," in my view, and the more warrior or more roguish or "entertainer" flavor isn't really what I'm after.

But I'm playing in a fantasy RPG because I want to be playing in a world where magic (and elves, dragons, other magical things, etc...) is REAL! If I'm not playing a spellcaster or somebody with psychic powers or something else fantastical, then what's the point?!

Is this mechanically or thematically speaking?

If its all about mechanics top 5 in no real order:


I wish the two lists lined up more, especially for Ranger and Sorcerer.

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