1.- Sorcerer (though not by mechanics, Thankfully Divine soul is in the way)
2,3,4,5.- Even split between Bard, Cleric, Rogue And Warlord
6,7.-Split between Druid and Paladin
8.- Fighter
9.- Barbarian
10. Swordsage
11.- Ranger
14.- more stuff form 3rd-4th
Aleph-omega plus Aleph omega times aleph omega elevated to Alepha-omega power plus Aleph omega plus the same number over the imaginary axis.- The psion
Aleph-omega to the aleph omega power times the previous number. Still no room for the wizard, putting it into my ranking would imply I like it even a little bit. And that is not true, even if there are multiple copies of me through the multiverse, there is no version of me that can like it -not even by a single infinitesimal fraction of a Planck length-. If there was even the tiniest of a possibility of a possibility of a version of me that could, all existence would be erased instantaneously and retroactively for ever and ever.