D&D 5E What’s your favorite class?

Skald (Barbarian / Valor Bard)
Oath of the Ancients Paladin
Sacred Fist (Cleric/Monk)
Arcane Trickster
Arch-Fey Warlock
Fighter (though Eldritch Knight is better)
Sorcerer (though this could change with Divine Soul)

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Overall it's a tie between Fighter & Bard.
For 5e specifically it expands to a three way tie between Fighter, Bard, & Warlock

As a gamemaster, I personally love it when my players bring a character like a warlock or an aasimar to the table. It gives me more interaction with my players. Though they have complained about the lack of classes. I really wish someone would port all of pathfinders unique classes over to 5e. I like pathfinder for its lore and worldbuilding, I like 5e for its mechanics.

I’ve always been a bard fan and the 5e version is my favorite. Finally has a jack of all trades feel and they solved the problem of action economy. The 3ed version was horrible because I felt like a +1 bonus battery for the group and not much else. Everyone got to do cool stuff and I passed out buffs.
Maybe? My personal gripe is that I don't feel like, well, that I'm actually being a bard. Inspiration just feels... off to me. I dont' feel like I'm performing or anything.

Maybe that'll change with Xanth. But right now, I'm kinda iffy on the matter.

That said, my favorites are usually druid, bard, warlock, rogue and paladin. Druid only because i like shape-shifting and beast masters, which might change with the revised ranger.

I think XGTE will change up every bodies lists, because subclasses can make a huge difference.
Previously it was bard, with College of Whispers, College of Glamour, and College of Blades it's still second.
I must admit to liking the sounds of these and want to take a closer look at them.

1.- Sorcerer (though not by mechanics, Thankfully Divine soul is in the way)
2,3,4,5.- Even split between Bard, Cleric, Rogue And Warlord
6,7.-Split between Druid and Paladin
8.- Fighter
9.- Barbarian
10. Swordsage
11.- Ranger
14.- more stuff form 3rd-4th
Aleph-omega plus Aleph omega times aleph omega elevated to Alepha-omega power plus Aleph omega plus the same number over the imaginary axis.- The psion
Aleph-omega to the aleph omega power times the previous number. Still no room for the wizard, putting it into my ranking would imply I like it even a little bit. And that is not true, even if there are multiple copies of me through the multiverse, there is no version of me that can like it -not even by a single infinitesimal fraction of a Planck length-. If there was even the tiniest of a possibility of a possibility of a version of me that could, all existence would be erased instantaneously and retroactively for ever and ever.

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