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What are the most useful languages?


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I think it's a bit meta-game to pick languages on their usefulness

I'd agree with most things but I'm not sure about languages. A more useful language is probably also a more available one. Could be a lot of background reasons for picking a learned language. If they don't come from character race and current location 'most useful' seems like a good way of finding 'most common'.

my .02


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lukelightning said:
Ignan, Auran, Terran, Aquan.

Heh. I'm fond of playing Druids, and these usually get my vote as well :)

Nothing worse than not being able to tell your summoned Elemental "Break down that door!" or "Stop that ship!"


Notmousse said:
I'm currently playing a multiclassed character in Living Greyhawk . . .

Anywho, what languages would you pick if you only had 6 to learn.

For a campaign that takes Greyhawk seriously, and where you want to cover the bases other characters might not:

- Ancient Suloise
- Ancient Baklunish
- The Cold Tongue or Flannae, or other regional language
- Elvish (the Spanish for Americans/French for Brits of the D&D world -- everyone should know it)
- Draconic (generic adventures' version of Ancient Suloise, as in the creepy old language in old dungeons)
- Undercommon


In Living Greyhawk, everybody living speaks Common. What you really want are the languages are most likely to be found written on the wall of some dusty tomb:

Baklunish, Ancient
Oeridian, Old
Suloise, Ancient

Pick up these four + Draconic and you'll be 75% covered.


haakon1 said:
- Elvish (the Spanish for Americans/French for Brits of the D&D world -- everyone should know it)

That would be meta-gaming though.

If they were RPing properly Americans would learn Welsh and English people would learn Aztec.


First Post
I like picking up a language from each alphabet.

The alphabets (SRD) are:

Elvish, Dwarvish, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Druidic (special).

Then you should be able to read -- or at least puzzle out part of -- anything you come across without needing to burn spells on it.

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