D&D (2024) What are the top 3 things, above all else, you want from One DnD?

  1. Economy guidelines - Poor, Average, Rich areas should have varying costs and availability for goods and services. Include that in the PHB so the players see it and can make decisions based off that information. This should also include "endgame" money sinks. Feel free to include a bold line that says "DM discretion", but player facing is a must.
One thing I like about Frog God Game's adventures and setting books set in the Lost Lands is that every settlement has a stat block that give some demographic information and the most you'd be able to GP available to make by selling items in a month.

Sime light rules and suggestions for creating a settlement with stat blocks would welcome in the One D&D DMG. Basic rules for building a strongholds and settlements would be nice as well, but I think that more detailed rules would require a separate book.

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1. Fix balance -- not just classes and species, but also subclasses, spells, feats, magic items, invocations. Trim the OP choices and buff the trap options. (There's a lot more of the latter than the former.)

2. Sort out short rests. I'd prefer 5-minute short rests 2/day as the official rule.

3. Better DM support.

More interesting monsters (for eg, the use the bloodied condition for unexpected actions and attacks)
More interesting Martials (expanding maneuvers, the use of the bloodied condition as well, but more social options as well)
More things to spend money on after about 4th level (low grade magic items, master work items, rough rules about a homebase)

1. Price list for magic items.

2. balance feats and have more feat "slots". have all feats with floating +1 ASI. including "1st level" feats.

3. Have short rest be short for a change. 5mins max.

1) A better DMG. I'd settle for one that is simply re-written for clarity, but better would be one that provides more extensive support for the Exploration and Social pillars.

2) A better MM. The one we have is fine, but monster design has moved forward over the past decade (not surprisingly!), so it would be good to have all the classic monsters brought up to standard.

3) Actually... that's enough.

This is the kind of thing that could be added to the DMG as a variant rule. I find it disappointing that the current DMG doesn't discuss XP for GP when discussing alternative ways for gaining experience points in Chapter 8.
IMO, they missed a trick (especially in 3e, but in 5e as well) when building their random treasure tables that they didn't set them up so that the "expected wealth per level" actually matched up with the XP required to gain a level.

Of course, as soon as they do that, XP-for-gold becomes trivial.

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