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What are you reading [May 2017]?

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The Riddlemaster is also on my library list; I definitely need to read more McKillip!

Some of them really struck me, and some were a bit more meh, but I can't actually recall which was which was which without looking at my shelves...which are at my (other/old/ex's) house. I do have The Tower at Stony Wood; In the Forest of Serre; and Winter Rose on my to-be-read shelves right now, so I haven't read those. Pretty sure I've read A Song for Basilisk; Od Magic; The Book of Atrix Wolfe; The Bell at Sealey Head; and The Bards of Bone Plain.

Seems like someone should have abstracted a setting from McKillip's novels by now. Something to google later.


I just finished Doppelganger, the first novel by Marie Brennan. It's a fantasy, set in a world where when a witch is born, her identical doppelganger is also born and is to be killed within 5 days of its birth. Otherwise, when the witch turns 25 (and has completed her training and is ready for spellcasting), she must seek out and kill her doppelganger because until she does her spells will be overpowered and likely kill her (and anyone else in her vicinity). I honestly only picked it up because it was fifty cents at a library book sale and looked like it could be good; however, I really enjoyed it, to the point where I might actively seek out the next book in the series, Warrior and Witch.

And now I'm reading another fifty-cent book sale purchase, this time a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel called A Time to Be Born by John Vornholt. It's kind of blah, which is bad news because I have two more in that series in my "to be read" pile.


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