D&D 5E What armor can druids wear? Is there a way to get a decent AC?


Hello all,
My reading of the druid is that of the PHB armors, they can wear leather, padded and hide for certain. Studded leather is unclear (is "made of metal" the same as "has some metal"?)

This seems really painful for a druid--it's hard to build a casting (one who is generally not wild shapped), even with armor feats or multi-classing. The AC is just really low and even barkskin doesn't help much (concentration). Is there anything other than wild shapping that helps? Am I understanding the armor rules correctly?

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My reading of the druid is that of the PHB armors, they can wear leather, padded and hide for certain. Studded leather is unclear (is "made of metal" the same as "has some metal"?)
In AD&D 1e, Druids can't wear studded leather armor (because metal interferes with their magic, not for any religious reason). That's the most official answer you can get, because Gygax invented both of those things.

My current druid wears hide and uses a shield with a decent dex(14) fro an AC of 16 not bad really especially since it is possible at level 1.

Druids just don't have good AC, especially the ones who focus on spellcasting. Sure, they're better off than a wizard who doesn't have Mage Armor going, but worse off than anyone who would actually want to be in melee combat.

Working as intended. If you'd rather have moderate AC rather than terrible AC, invest in Dex and pick up a shield.

There is also the 2nd level spell barkskin but the spell description is so odd I'm not entirely sure how it works. Does it stack with a shield for example?

In 3e Druids could make use of the Ironwood spell to make armour out of wood, but 5e doesnt have that. It remains to be seen what options and magic items are in the DMG.

It is very odd that Druids are barred from metal armour but "nature" clerics get heavy armour proficiency.

There is also the 2nd level spell barkskin but the spell description is so odd I'm not entirely sure how it works. Does it stack with a shield for example?

Barkskin does not seem to stack with anything. If your AC is less than 16 it becomes 16, if your AC is higher than 16 it does not change.

So even cover bonuses don't appear to stack with it.

Barkskin does not seem to stack with anything. If your AC is less than 16 it becomes 16, if your AC is higher than 16 it does not change.

So even cover bonuses don't appear to stack with it.

Actually, looking at the PH it says that your skin takes on a bark-like appearance and that the target's AC can't never be less than 16 regardless of the armor the target is wearing. Doesn't say anything about not allowing the AC to get higher due to other things (shields, cover, dexterity etc.)

The way I read it... you have a floor of 16 for AC due to armor, and it can go up from there with anything else besides armor that normally raises your AC.

Actually, looking at the PH it says that your skin takes on a bark-like appearance and that the target's AC can't never be less than 16 regardless of the armor the target is wearing. Doesn't say anything about not allowing the AC to get higher due to other things (shields, cover, dexterity etc.)

The way I read it... you have a floor of 16 for AC due to armor, and it can go up from there with anything else besides armor that normally raises your AC.

It says 'Until the spell ends, the target’s skin has a rough, bark-like appearance, and the target’s AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor it is wearing.'

It it worked on your 'Base AC' rather than your 'AC', it would probably have said so. But as [MENTION=3586]MerricB[/MENTION] pointed out in Here it is an anomaly in that it works differently to everything else.

I believe part of the druids theme is separate hit points through wild shape instead of higher AC. Especially since you go back to the druids hit points when you switch back. The bounds are pretty tight with AC, so don't expect a lot of wiggle room or distinction when it comes to different armor or AC values.

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