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What categories do you belong to?


First Post
1. Computer nerd/geek.
2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.
3. Percussionist.
4. Monty Python addict.
5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.
6. Intelligence somewhat above average.
7. People who enjoy Tolkein.
8. Liberals.
9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.

Ok, so I fit a few of your sterotypes:

1. No, I'm almost incompetant when it comes to anything more than graphic design or word processing. I can surf the net too!
2. Yes, sometimes a beard. I've had long hair for almost 15 years now. :D
3. No, though I probably should be. Several of my friends are professional musicians, if I had been more suseptible to group pressure, I would be one by now too.
4. Sure. Python is cool.
5. I dislike most people, and frequently tell them so. I don't know if that qualifies me as "socially disadvantaged" or not.
6. Most folks think so, I just think those people are stupid :p
7. Tolkien is quite good.
8. Absolutely not. After a couple semesters of Poly. Sci. I learned who was really right.
9. Probably true. I care a little, you know I wouldn't want to go out in public in a pink jump-suit or anything, but for the most part I don't think too much about my clothes. Actually, if it ws up to me, we'd all be naked!

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First Post
1. Somewhat I prefer books.

2. I have a mullet, though the front is long as well....the best way to describe it is anime hair.

4. Albatross.

6. I usually win at Jeopardy and other games...Me smart.

7. Gonna buy both DVD's


First Post
There are many types of people, and I have noticed that people who fall into the "gamer" group frequently fall into various other groups. I will list them here:

1. Computer nerd/geek.

-No was once (many years ago but ave not realy followed with it. Still consider myself a fairly proficcient user

2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.


3. Percussionist.

-No, I have sense of rythm of a dead donkey.

4. Monty Python addict.

-No, not really, which is not to say that I do not like them. But there are many things that I find funnier then the Pythons.

5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.

Not realy either, I do tend to be picky as to whome I associate with but have found that the people I wish to associate with largely wish to associate with me as well. Have been with as same girl for five years now but even before was not doing too bad in that department...

6. Intelligence somewhat above average.

I would hope so, if there is such thing as inteligence which I doubt. I am quite good at doing math and writing essays and have finished university with scholarships...

7. People who enjoy Tolkein.

I love him, he is not my absolutely favourite author but is very close up there.

8. Liberals.

Yes, but in the British/Canadian rather then American sense - meaning that I am somewhere in political centre

9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.

I like my clothes to be of good quality and "classical" and there are things (clothes with logos on them) that I would not wear under almost any circumstances. But besides that I do not give clothing much thought.


First Post
1, 5, 6, and 9. I've been working with computers since I was three years old and am in the top .3% of New York State according to standardized tests. I have very few friends due to problems I will not disclose. And I don't give a darn about what I put on each morning. As long as I am wearing my underpants, a shirt, and a pair of pants, I am clothed and thus ready to do anything.



First Post
HalfElfSorcerer said:
1. Computer nerd/geek.
Im using a computer to type this right now so I guess I am.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.
Hmm.. Not "Normal" but "Los Angeles Normal" so I guess that's the status quo .
HalfElfSorcerer said:
3. Percussionist.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
4. Monty Python addict.
No, but I think they used to be funny.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
6. Intelligence somewhat above average.
Yeah well, some have it, some don't and I have it. ;)
HalfElfSorcerer said:
7. People who enjoy Tolkein.
I like the Hobbit so I guess so.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
8. Liberals.
Well, I am Liberal, but less so then many Californians.
HalfElfSorcerer said:
9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.
Yeah I don't really care much, I dress like a lumberjack. :)
But, I will wear a suit to a wedding, etc. ;)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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