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What categories do you belong to?

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Moulin Rogue

First Post
1. I can't fix stuff when it messes up, but I know my way around most of the major applications.
2. Nope.
3. Nope.
4. Not for a number of years, when I saw all the episodes interest waned.
5. oh... the nice way of saying "not liked by very many people". Well, if I were created in GURPS I'd be loading up on social disadvantages for sure. If the opposite sex is determined to ignore me I'm going to get compensation points, dang it!
6. I think so.
7. Haven't even seen the film yet, will eventually though.
8. No.
9. In terms of looks I only care that they don't have anything dumb on them.
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I don't know about 1; I'm good with computers (programmer, web designer), but not really a nerd/geek.

2, 3, 4, and 5 don't fit at all - though I like Python, I'm far from addicted.

6 "Intelligence somewhat above average" doesn't fit, either: I'm far above average (though I would never mention it except for polling like this).

7 fits; LotR rocks!

I'm conservative, so no #8.

I'm unsure of 9 "People who don't care about how their clothes look"; I am very careful of what cloths I buy, but not what I wear day-to-day.


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Re: Re: What categories do you belong to?

HalfElfSorcerer said:
7. People who enjoy Tolkein.

Darkness said:
7. Not that much. (/me dodges thrown pointy objects! :eek: )

/me begins to throw blunt objects instead, making many 1d20-5 attack rolls (+1 BAB, -2 Dex, -4 nonproficiency).

Green Knight

First Post
What I am:

2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.
My hair I like to keep cut short and neat, but I'm really lazy when it comes to shaving on a regular basis. And the electric shaver I use is crap, so it never shaves me completely. Hence I'm always walking around with stubble.

5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.
What can I say? I'm a really shy guy.

6. Intelligence somewhat above average.
"Somewhat" doesn't really describe it. :p Unless being in the top 3 percentile qualifies as "somewhat".

7. People who enjoy Tolkein.
GUILTY! Though I read "The Once and Future King" before it and still love that book, more. Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf are great, but Arthur, Lancelot, and Merlin are better.

What I'm not:

1. Computer nerd/geek.
I know enough to operate a computer. That's about it.

3. Percussionist.
I actually don't know what this is, so I can't say one way or the other. Sounds as if it has something to do with music, though, so I'm hedging my bets and saying no.

4. Monty Python addict.
I've liked what I've seen of Monty Python, but I haven't seen enough to be addicted.

8. Liberals.
Not bloodly likely.

9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.
I'm not exactly Mr. GQ or anything like that. But I prefer to be neat and clean.
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First Post
HalfElfSorcerer said:
There are many types of people, and I have noticed that people who fall into the "gamer" group frequently fall into various other groups. I will list them here:

1. Computer nerd/geek.
2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.
3. Percussionist.
4. Monty Python addict.
5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.
6. Intelligence somewhat above average.
7. People who enjoy Tolkein.
8. Liberals.
9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.

Which categories do you fall in? Post them here. I'm interested in finding out how on target I am. Incidentally, I belong to all of the categories.

Ok my turn....bored on a holiday.
1. Nope like 'em not a nerd
2. No facial hair and short hair (has to be for RL job, or would be
a beard, neatly trimmed)
3. Nope(you all should thank me)
4. Like 'em not addicted
5. Nope good with people (except maybe my ex:D )
6. Ok, got me on that one
7. Yes enjoy him...he wrote books right?:D
8. Nope, not a liberal
9. Ok, besides work, I do fall in this category, single dad with 2
kids under 3, please try and be picky....

That is that.


HalfElfSorcerer said:

1. Computer nerd/geek.
2. Facial hair/non-status quo hairstyle.
3. Percussionist.
4. Monty Python addict.
5. Slightly socially disadvantaged.
6. Intelligence somewhat above average.
7. People who enjoy Tolkein.
8. Liberals.
9. People who don't care about how their clothes look.

1 - Was one. No longer. Now I just play some games and do my College work in it.

2 - I like to shave my head. If that falls into non-standard for you, then I'm in.

3 - Nope.

4 - Yep.

5 - Yep.

6 - Probably.

7 - OH YES!

8 - Nope, I'm a Socialist (if that was your angle when you said Liberal).

9 - Yep, except when I'm trying to impress someone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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