What Core Races have you played?

I have/have not played:

  • I have played a Human

    Votes: 263 95.6%
  • I have never played a Human

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • I have played a Dwarf

    Votes: 203 73.8%
  • I have never played a Dwarf

    Votes: 61 22.2%
  • I have played an Elf

    Votes: 212 77.1%
  • I have never played an Elf

    Votes: 50 18.2%
  • I have played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 161 58.5%
  • I have never played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 100 36.4%
  • I have played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 120 43.6%
  • I have never played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 127 46.2%
  • I have played a Halfling

    Votes: 172 62.5%
  • I have never played a Halfling

    Votes: 89 32.4%


I have only played humans and the odd half-orc. Also, one drow and one bugbear, both in 3.0 one-shots. But 95% of the time, it was humans.

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Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Surprising. Somehow Half-Elves never gave me any incentive to play them. Probably I am too much of a power-gamer to play an Half Elf. :/

This brings tears to my eyes. In previous editions, power-gamers flocked to the Half-Elf.

I've checked my characters, and I've played every one of the core races. And I still like my gnomes.

Simon Marks

First Post
I've played every race except a Gnome - but with a caveat.

I've not played a 1/2 orc since 1st ed. (Tellentra - 1/2 orc Cleric/Assassin in Temple of Elemental Evil. About 1987?)
The last 1/2 elf I played I resented doing so. 3.5 1/2 elves are real weak.


First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
In voting, I discovered that I have played every race save for half-elves.
Heh, same here. Never played a gnome either.

Of note: My first AD&D character (and eventually most powerful) was a half-elf.

InVinoVeritas said:
This brings tears to my eyes. In previous editions, power-gamers flocked to the Half-Elf.

I've checked my characters, and I've played every one of the core races. And I still like my gnomes.
Strangely enough, despite my power-gaming self, I played only one Dwarf, and that was a Wizard. (Not that being a Dwarf hurts a wizard, but...)


First Post
Gnome isn't included in this poll. Ruins any legitimate comparison you may have wanted to make.

It also would have been good to identify which edition you're asking about. Necesary information.

And be sure to account in your margin of error elements including (1.) players who don't visit this board, (2.) respondents who answer dishonestly, and (3.) people who will never see your poll because they've put you on their ignore list.
Last edited:


Gnome doesn't need to be included Driddle. They've got their own poll.

Why should I have to specify edition? The gnome poll didn't. But, for the pedantic amongst us, this is not limited to any edition.

As far as the margin of error, well, not too worried about it. This is not proof. Simply fuel for the fire. And, hey, did you also account for these in your own gnome poll Driddle?


First Post
Hussar said:
Gnome doesn't need to be included Driddle. They've got their own poll.

Why should I have to specify edition? The gnome poll didn't. But, for the pedantic amongst us, this is not limited to any edition.

As far as the margin of error, well, not too worried about it. This is not proof. Simply fuel for the fire. And, hey, did you also account for these in your own gnome poll Driddle?

Imagine a giant eye-rolling smiley icon here. HUGE. Eyes spun all the way into the back of the icon's head.

It's bad business to compare two unrelated polls, with different formats and different polling samples over different periods. It's that simple.

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