Just got rid of one of them the other day. Turns out he is currently also barred from the Warhammer shop and expelled from an RPG society in a different city.
So yeah boot them.
Jeez- you'd think they'd get the hint, eventually...
Annoying players are a real pain. If those players are also the S.O. of the DM, a relative etc they're an even bigger pain...
I've left games, because of turds before.
IMO, 1, 3, 4, and 5, are all big red flags. 4 and 5 are deal breakers. 3 is, sadly, becoming a sign of the times- so many people are addicted to their "electronic tit", that they can't put it away...
2 is simply a personal preference/ stylistic difference. Not everyone likes the rp parts as much as others do. Some are uncomfortable doing it. That, can be allowed to slide. If this is one of those RP heavy campaigns, the player may just bow out of their own accord. Heck, I'VE been that guy before, lol. Was totally NOT prepared for how into it they got- and unable to simply come up with that sort of stuff on the fly. Now that I think about it, their style was probably more LARPing than RP'ing. They expected you to actually CAST a spell- verbal and somatic components included! I was between game groups, and the DM seemed like a pretty cool guy. I should have taken his repeated statement that D&D was a ROLE-playing game a bit more seriously, lol. This was totally not my thing, though- so I bowed out after the first session.
On the flip side, we had a player join our group who turned out to be... different. Not a bad guy at all, and a pretty good player- but he had a few ideosynchracies that just rubbed us the wrong way. Apparently, his former group had had some trouble with him, too. One time we were mid-scene, doing whatever, and he suddenly put his thumb up to the side of his head, with his fingers spread- like half of a moose antler, lol. And started asking about something- like it was the most normal thing to do. We were stunned, and just kinda stared at him, like "wut?..." Then busted out laughing. He told us his former group made you do that, if you were going to talk out of character!! I kinda got the idea this was a special rule made up just for him, because he liked to talk a lot. It reminded me of some of the crap the guys in my dorm used to pull on their one roommate. He just didn't get that they didn't like him, and kept trying to hang out- so they tortured him remorselessly.