D&D 5E What do you need for Dark Sun that is already out there?


Really loving all the ideas for @TheSword ’s Dark Sun game. I’m lucky enough to be one of his players and can’t wait. And love the synchronicity of the psionics suggestion coming from @Steampunkette since I’m also lucky enough to play in her Scorpion Age game.
Rob meet Rachel
Rachel meet Rob
You’re both great DMs.

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I'll be putting it onto Kickstarter in late January or early February to avoid the "Holiday Slump" that kills kickstarters. After that, it'll be available through Drivethru RPG.

And I'm happy to meet Rob!
Happy to meet also. Artwork looks amazing. You’ll definitely have my support on the Kickstarter.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Happy to meet also. Artwork looks amazing. You’ll definitely have my support on the Kickstarter.
@Xethreau did the art design for the vast majority of the art in the book using Midjourney AI.

Both because I did not have the cash to pay an artist, and in order to make use of AI's "Slightly Incorrect" artistic style to add a strange and dreamlike, even nightmarish, quality to the artwork.

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