Dragonlance What do you think of the Kender?

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Eh. They're Dragonlance's Kender. They're servicable. Ticks all the boxes and does what it needs to without doing anything unique or interesting

I think I liked the more fey-ish flavour of the earlier revisions. Yeah, I get it doesn't mesh with Dragonlance's history but like.... Kender are blatently Fey and it tied them into that archetype to make them a bit more widely usuable in other places


But honestly, I don't really see how, in a game with all kinds of different types of damage and negative effects, how a race being immune to one thing is really a problem. I much prefer that over conditional modifiers that may or may not actually come up in game. But it seems that WotC would rather immunities come from class abilities than race.
Well, you know what they say: a lot of class features wouldn't make the cut if they were playtested today. Barbarians getting a d12 hit die? Paladin smites? Heck no!


Overall I like them, some positives (+) one negative (-). Some specifics:

1. kleptomania ++ : Needed to go!

2. no Darkvision + : I hate the idea that every race needs Darkvision. They didn't have it 40 years ago and don't need it now:

3. Fearless + : Pleasent surprise. The original Kender were totally immune and we knew WOTC was not going to do that. The advantage and 1 legendary is a good compromise. You have advantage and then on top of that most monster frighten effects are of the variety "if you save you can not be affected for that day" .... so in play I think this will be pretty close to immunity:

4. Kender Aptitude neutral: It needed a boost mechancically

5. Speed 30' + : As expected

6. Hoopak -- : The Hoopak is a disaster. First off it needs to be a racial weapon, second it is AWFUL mechanically. Two handed weapon that does a poor 1d6 damage (and 1d4 as a missile). It is not heavy so you can't use GWM with it and it is a melee weapon so you can't use Sharpshooter when you make a ranged attack. You might be able to get away with a Hoopak on a Wizard, Cleric or Rogue where the damage won't be so important, however since it is a martial proficiency only martials will be able to use it and they will be seriously nerfed compared to someone who could do 1d10 damage or 1d8 damage with a shield.

For SODQ I think I am going to play a Kender Conquest Paladin with the Nuitari high sorcery initiate background. Start with a 17 Charisma, Pick up Hex, Dissonant Whispers at 1st level, Tasha's Mind Whip at 4th and then get Shadow Touched with cause Fear as my other 4th level feat and boost Charisma to 18. Add in some Paladin spells and I will have a nice Gish. I might take a 2-level wizard dip for War Magic too for a few more spell slots and initiative boost. Unfortunately he will not be using a Hoopak, I really looked at it and I just don't think I can make it work.
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I've only ever had players play lovable and charming Kenders. I feel sorry for anyone who's experience was different. I've had much worse experience with "lawful good" Paladins (obnoxious tyrants) and chaotic neutral rogues (robbing and stabbing other PCs "for fun").

Kender? Nah. Always a charm. YMMV, clearly.

I've only ever had players play lovable and charming Kenders. I feel sorry for anyone who's experience was different. I've had much worse experience with "lawful good" Paladins (obnoxious tyrants) and chaotic neutral rogues (robbing and stabbing other PCs "for fun").

Kender? Nah. Always a charm. YMMV, clearly.
I agree entirely, is a player problem, not a PC problem if kender are played to annoy other players.

Interestingly the Black Robes can use their Hit Dice to cause more damage with their spells, which I think it's cool

I'm definitely a fan of classic kender, including the theft part. So I don't expect the new versions to reflect the type that resonates more with me (since for ages the kleptomania of the kender has been a bone of contention for many players and GMs).

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