D&D 5E What, if anything, bothers you about certain casters/spells at your table?


I'm gonna bring back my annoyance on Necromancy

Creating lightning energy? Evocation.
Creating death energy? Necromancy.
Summon a demon? Conjuration.
Summon an undead? Necromancy
Speak with outer beings? Divination.
Speak with dead beings? Necromancy

Is death a special barrier that warps magic?

Is the God(dess) of Deatth more powerful than the God(dess) of Magic?!!

Why do undeads get their own magic and not fey, celestials, or fiends?
I believe the appropriate answer here is:


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Where is that Singe?
I feel that is because for much of the 50 years of D&D, few sit down "academic" discussion on the schools were made.

One of the poster child classes of D&D is a spell nerd who specializes in schools but getting a hobbies of mostly nerds, geeks, and theatre kids for most of its lifetime to stop and think about the spell schools for more than a minute is dang near impossible to the point that people can't agree what school cure wounds is.
Yeah, cure wounds has changed schools a few times LOL!

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
@Micah Sweet did I miss your contribution to the OP in the context of the game you play?
Well, I still don't like attack cantrips (by which I mean I really don't like them), and I'd be happier if guidance spam wasn't a thing, and spell interruption should be more of a thing for all casters, but many issues I have with spells have unsurprisingly been fixed in the games I play, or never existed in the first place.


This is one that drives me straight up the wall. I keep having to harp on players to announce what they’re doing first before dropping dice and whatnot.

And I’ve had to keep repeating myself like every session with a couple of players.

Thinking about it. My frustration with casters may have some other issues mixed in there.
Outside of combat, unprompted Die Rolls are ignored at my table.


Outside of combat, unprompted Die Rolls are ignored at my table.
It's more a VTT issue. The players will target enemies, then drop the saving throws, all without actually telling me what they are doing. So, I see area templates getting drawn, enemies being targetted, but, repeatedly, I've got a couple of players who will not ever actually say what they are doing beforehand. It is really frustrating actually. To the point where I've started getting pretty visibly annoyed about it.

Based on some of the exchange over in the Exploration Falls Short thread, I'm wondering what it is about certain casters and/or spells that might impede some of the fun at your table(s)?
Let's see...

We changed cantrips around a bit. Druidcraft, eldritch blast, prestidigitation, and thaumaturgy function as written. All other attack cantrips have their damage capped at 1d4, and the maximum number of cantrips that can be cast per day is Attribute bonus + Proficiency bonus (excepting the above four).

Counterspell is removed. You can use dispel magic for similar purposes, 50% chance of it working against an equal level spell. Alternatively, you can use the same or opposite spell to counter the opposing magician. Fireball vs ice storm, haste vs slow, web vs web. This works 80% of the time, again adjusted for level.

Forcecage is right out. Polymorph is split into two spells; standard and curse. Standard allows for humanoids for spying. The curse is for toadification. Curses, which includes several offensive non-damaging spells, must have a condition that allows someone to break the curse on their own. Remove curse works too, naturally.

Wizards have guilds where they have access to 12 spells per level. They can learn any spell they want, but if it is not on the list they have to do original research, which takes time and money. Also, one free spell per level, not two. No spell casting in armor unless you're a druid (light) or a cleric (medium). Steel is bad for magic. Druids could wear medium armor if they can find a bronzesmith.

I've been thinking about maintaining concentration on a level of spells equal to half the caster's level. A 12th level caster could maintain concentration on 6 levels of spells. Haven't tried that yet, still working on expanding fighter maneuvers.

I really appreciate mechanically the differences between wizards and warlocks, although I don't see much point to sorcerers. Swap out spellbooks for metamagic and you're mostly good to go.

Tiny hut is a magical tent, little more. Magnificent mansion is awesome since it's a 7th level spell.

It's more a VTT issue. The players will target enemies, then drop the saving throws, all without actually telling me what they are doing. So, I see area templates getting drawn, enemies being targetted, but, repeatedly, I've got a couple of players who will not ever actually say what they are doing beforehand. It is really frustrating actually. To the point where I've started getting pretty visibly annoyed about it.
Years ago I had a GM who would tend to do that - he'd just roll damage and tell you what your character got hit by. Considering this was Champions, and there were rules for reacting to attacks (dive for cover, abort to dodge) I felt this was frustrating.

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