The EN World kitten
I just finished reading Living Room Games's 2002 d20 Modern supplement Digital Burn: A Resource for a Cybernetic Future, and I'm surprised by how much I liked it.
Admittedly, it looks a lot like they were trying to make a d20-based version of Cyberpunk with the serial numbers filed off, but even if they were, the execution was still quite evocative. That's particularly notable since d20 Future was still a few years off when this book was made. It helps that the presentation was for a particular setting, albeit a fairly generic dystopian near-future Earth; even if it wasn't very original, having enough specifics to refer to helped to give it an underlying tone that made the book come alive far more than if it had been a dry collection of new mechanics.
Admittedly, it looks a lot like they were trying to make a d20-based version of Cyberpunk with the serial numbers filed off, but even if they were, the execution was still quite evocative. That's particularly notable since d20 Future was still a few years off when this book was made. It helps that the presentation was for a particular setting, albeit a fairly generic dystopian near-future Earth; even if it wasn't very original, having enough specifics to refer to helped to give it an underlying tone that made the book come alive far more than if it had been a dry collection of new mechanics.