The EN World kitten
Just picked up a PF1 supplement titled Changing the Chakra System - Pathfinder (affiliate link) from Tipsy Tabby Publishing, and I'm pretty happy with it.
Really, this one had me at the metaphorical "hello," as the author rightly calls out that Paizo's take on chakras is too punishing. While I can understand why Paizo was so gun-shy about giving an almost-free power-up to a certain category of characters (i.e. any PC that had a ki pool and either levels in an occult class or the Psychic Sensitivity feat), the results were punishing limitations, requiring investment of numerous ki points (which aren't exactly plentiful even for those classes that have them) and two saving throws per round to use chakras.
All for benefits that aren't that great to begin with.
This supplement dials back how punishing the costs are, making it much cheaper to activate chakra abilities. They also tweak the abilities themselves, and for the most part I like how they did, though losing the heart chakra's ability to remove certain status effects struck me as unfortunate. There's also more choice in that you can invest additional points of ki into certain chakras to augment their effects, which helps if you use the new feats and/or archetypes included. Good stuff all around.
Really, this one had me at the metaphorical "hello," as the author rightly calls out that Paizo's take on chakras is too punishing. While I can understand why Paizo was so gun-shy about giving an almost-free power-up to a certain category of characters (i.e. any PC that had a ki pool and either levels in an occult class or the Psychic Sensitivity feat), the results were punishing limitations, requiring investment of numerous ki points (which aren't exactly plentiful even for those classes that have them) and two saving throws per round to use chakras.
All for benefits that aren't that great to begin with.
This supplement dials back how punishing the costs are, making it much cheaper to activate chakra abilities. They also tweak the abilities themselves, and for the most part I like how they did, though losing the heart chakra's ability to remove certain status effects struck me as unfortunate. There's also more choice in that you can invest additional points of ki into certain chakras to augment their effects, which helps if you use the new feats and/or archetypes included. Good stuff all around.