So many different ways of looking at what makes a particular creature a goblinoid and a particular other creature not - and the our collective answer is.....because the gods, or magic, or common decent, or DM fiat says so.
So let me try something. Using the "goblin dog" I think from PF as an example, I'll take the most unlikely ancestry - say a dwarf. And try to make it goblinoid. Because if the gods or magic or the DM can do it with one arbitrary creature, they should be able to do it with any creature. Everyone can be goblinoid.
So......dwarves would first need an unnatural skin color. Bright neon blue. And their faces need to be even more exaggerated to make them uglier. With warts. And maybe a bad case of acne. Their beards should be lopsided and patchy, and their bodies even more barrel-shaped, with longer arms with twisted, bulging muscles. Without changing anything else about dwarf lifestyle, religion, etc......have I made them goblinoid? Surely there's something to the goblinoid archetype beyond "weird looking hateful ugly people"? If so, what is it? What did I miss?
So let me try something. Using the "goblin dog" I think from PF as an example, I'll take the most unlikely ancestry - say a dwarf. And try to make it goblinoid. Because if the gods or magic or the DM can do it with one arbitrary creature, they should be able to do it with any creature. Everyone can be goblinoid.
So......dwarves would first need an unnatural skin color. Bright neon blue. And their faces need to be even more exaggerated to make them uglier. With warts. And maybe a bad case of acne. Their beards should be lopsided and patchy, and their bodies even more barrel-shaped, with longer arms with twisted, bulging muscles. Without changing anything else about dwarf lifestyle, religion, etc......have I made them goblinoid? Surely there's something to the goblinoid archetype beyond "weird looking hateful ugly people"? If so, what is it? What did I miss?