WotC What is the last WotC adventure you played in or DM'd?


I ran much of Ghosts of Saltmarsh during lockdown, but since returning to the table I've continued with my homebrew. Previous to that, in between homebrew I've run Phandelver, Princes, and several Yawning Portal adventures.

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Curse of Strahd. That and a couple adventures I pulled out of Tales from the Yawning Portal are the only WotC adventures I've run.

The last one I played in was Tomb of Annihilation. We played it from start to finish and had a great time. I was a little underwhelmed by the final boss battle, but the campaign itself was awesome fun. Not sure if that was due to the campaign, our DM, or both. Surprisingly we had only 1 death in the entire campaign.


I'm not as WotC-centric as this is going to look, but I'm currently playing Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and running Tyranny of Dragons and Shadow of the Dragon Queen in fact-to-face games, plus have a Decent into Avernus game currently on-pause (while my buddy runs Witchlight.

On top of that, I have PBP games here that consist of Tomb of Annihilation; a mash-up of Scourge of the Sword Coast and Dragonspear Castle (which were 5e playtest adventures) AND I'm not quite done a Candlekeep Mystery, though it's going nowhere fast.

AND I'm running Against the Giants, but I don't count those as WotC, in spite of them being in Yawning Portal. Though I guess I'm taking a lot of material from the 4e Dungeon Magazine versions, which does count as WotC, so...

Yeah, I run too many games.


I think it's almost been 2 years since we finished our Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign; we only played up to the end of U3 - The Final Enemy (also used White Plume Mountain from TotYP). I finally killed our Tomb of Annihilation game about 2 months ago, something our play group has been trying to get out of for some time now (the DM sucks, but wouldn't take a hint).

These days, most of the stuff I'm running are homebrewed adventures - A Falkovia one-shot in Ravenloft, a Spelljammer one-shot, a new solo campaign for myself and a one player campaign with my eldest son. I'm also playing in a Theros campaign, the DM is making his own adventures.

Running two related groups
1. Finalising the ToD: Phlan AL modules (2 modules away from finalising)
2. Mashup of
(a) SKT - Forge of the Fire Giants/Berg of the Frost Giants + Chapters 10 & 11 (nixed chapter 12)
(b) SKT AL - the last module which deals with time-travelling
(c) ToD - The 4th Council + last chapter remain


Pedantic Grognard
I don't think I've ever played a WotC adventure. Back before WotC bought TSR, in the mid-1990s, I played in . . . gosh, can't remember the adventure, I think it was one of the famous Greyhawk-by-default ones from the 1980s but definitely not Temple of Elemental Evil? We encountered a gorgon fairly early on, and we never completed the adventure.


I actually was a guest player for a single session toward the end of tomb of annihilation. Beyond that the only full length adventure I have played was red hand of doom back when that was fresh. I can't remember any time I have run anything by wizards unless dungeon magasine adventures count (including shackled city)


I don't think I've ever played a WotC adventure. Back before WotC bought TSR, in the mid-1990s, I played in . . . gosh, can't remember the adventure, I think it was one of the famous Greyhawk-by-default ones from the 1980s but definitely not Temple of Elemental Evil? We encountered a gorgon fairly early on, and we never completed the adventure.
Sounds like it might have been the Gorgimera in Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.

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