D&D General What Is Your Dream 50th Anniversary Product?

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
A 320 page anthology of the 'best of' Dungeon magazine.
The hardback Paizo put together suggests that may be difficult to put out. That book was extremely OK. Even the TSR-era compilations dropped in quality pretty steeply after, I think, the third one. (Whichever one had all of the Point of View articles.)

But if WotC was feeling frisky about their legal rights to do so, compiling the first three issues of Best of the Dragon into a single book would make for a very, very good anniversary celebration.


It’s tough for me, I have most of my old stuff (and PDF for anything I got rid of the physical copy).

I guess for me I’d like postcard-sized tent flap entries (Ala, the monster cards from Beedle and Grimm) of every D&D monster, from 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, Dungeon, Dragon, Basic and 5E converted to 5E. Something similar was attempted in smaller scale with the GaleForce9 monster cards, but they had different sized cards and only did cards for the monster books, and not the adventures.


If we are dreaming big: a massive adventure in 6 parts, and each part uses a different primary edition. So you start in OD&D or B/X, then do.1E, 2E, 3E, 4E and finally end at high level 5E. Preferably with something like Tiamat or Demogorgon as the primary antagonist.
Even better if you were forced to play a class that got to evolve in each edition. So my halfling turned into a thief and then a rogue and then a whatever, maybe warlock.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
It’s tough for me, I have most of my old stuff (and PDF for anything I got rid of the physical copy).

I guess for me I’d like postcard-sized tent flap entries (Ala, the monster cards from Beedle and Grimm) of every D&D monster, from 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, Dungeon, Dragon, Basic and 5E converted to 5E. Something similar was attempted in smaller scale with the GaleForce9 monster cards, but they had different sized cards and only did cards for the monster books, and not the adventures.
The Gale Force 9 spell cards and monster cards (and presumably magic item cards) get 75% of the way to where they ought to be. I'd really like someone else to take a crack at making them for a mass audience in future. I would be fine with them costing a little more (25% more or less) if it meant they were easier to use, sort and store.


If we are dreaming big: a massive adventure in 6 parts, and each part uses a different primary edition. So you start in OD&D or B/X, then do.1E, 2E, 3E, 4E and finally end at high level 5E. Preferably with something like Tiamat or Demogorgon as the primary antagonist.
I love this idea.


Follower of the Way
PHBs, DMGs, and MMs of every edition of D&D prior to 5e being put into a Creative Commons license (or an equivalent, like the OGL) that is explicitly outside WotC's ability to change, reinterpret, or adjudicate, except to expand it to cover additional material not already included.

That would be the single greatest gift Wizards of the Coast has ever given the community. Don't care if they keep a few product identity things out like mindflayers or whatever. Give me dragonborn and Arkhosia and Cendriane and the Dawn War and AEDU etc., and I would be over the moon.

Of course, this won't happen. They'll keep their fist tightly clenched over product that makes them no money and serves no purpose other than to sit and collect dust because that's what corporate greed does.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Of course, this won't happen. They'll keep their fist tightly clenched over product that makes them no money and serves no purpose other than to sit and collect dust because that's what corporate greed does.
The fact that they won't even release their least successful stuff as DMs Guild-eligible settings (Jakandor, my sweet ugly baby) speaks volumes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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