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What level do you start at and why?

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caudor said:
I'm a purist...all characters in my campaign start at level one.

If a 10th level character dies (or an entire party for that matter), it is time to roll up new characters. There are a few exceptions: a character gets resurrected or if I'm doing something special like Ghostwalk.


1st lvl. for all new characters. whether at the start of the campaign or midway thru it.

every new PC starts at lvl 1.


Mystery Man said:
Who fights a mule? :\

I like 2nd, for any of those +1 ECL's out there. 2nd, definitely 2nd.

Hmm - I don't really worry about any ECL stuff since I simply start those guys out at a negative XP level (the math is simpler) - it also is pretty convenient when dealing with starting out the game at 1st level.


First Post
I keep switching back between 2nd and 3rd level. At 2nd level you are still a mook but with a little more HP, and possibly more BAB and a better save or two. You also get to play with your character for a level and have a better idea of what feat you'll want to take at 3rd level.

If you start at 3rd you have an extra feat and better BAB, saves, hp, etc. You also can afford a MW weapon and possibly MW armor and maybe a potion or a crappy wand. I don't like random deaths and a few extra potions kicking around and some more spells can help that.


First Post
yeah first level is what I generally like to start at. cause I always find it hard to sort of plan character progression without actually having them go through adventures. so if I started as a tenth level fighter I'd have no idea why he bothered to get that high or what shaped him.

there has been the odd time though were our DM has asked that we start at second or third level just because of they way he's set up the campaign or the first several advetures. and that's not so bad really.


It depends on the campaign. I can't see how it could be otherwise, really; different games and styles call for different power levels IMO.

I've started campaigns at anything from 1st to 10th level (and, on one occasion, 30th, but it didn't quite work ;) ). Every time I had different and equally valid reasons.

Li Shenron

Maybe I should mention that IMHO the "numbers" and the features of the characters are the only important thing to choose where to start a campaign of mine.

Background, age and previous history is not necessarily related to your level, although you can expect that a veteran fighter is actually better than rookies, of course. Furthermore, I see no reason why one cannot play a character who already is a navigated hero.

OTOH I have played with people who didn't even like the idea that one could be a Wizard at level 1 already, or who wanted to start with apprentice levels.

Just to explain that I more concerned with practical issues when starting a game, rather than more ideological ideas... ;)

I start at 3rd-level, with point-buy.

I think wizards and clerics don't get any really cool spells until that level anyway (1st-level clerics are especially painful in this regard), and it's hard to expect heroes to be heroic when the town guard can kick their butt. Really, why bother doing anything when there's a lot of people better than you?

I was in a 2nd-level party when we were attacked by giant scorpions - I think they were Small, but that's still way too big for a scorpion :D

Our camels saved our butts, with the silly -5 to hit (camels are agressive) and everything. They hurt one of the scorpions, set up flanking (very necessary with our wimpy attack bonuses) and, of course, this really helped our rogue.

It also makes things a little bit easier for non-humans. I was playing a human ranger, and one reason was that we started at 1st-level. Getting Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot at 1st-level is simply impossible for a 1st-level elven ranger.

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