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Pathfinder 1E What Made You Switch To Pathfinder?

Kip Shades

First Post
The Magus is what got me to first make the switch, though it was actually Dreamscarred Press' third-party content that got me hooked. I love how they've built upon and improved the ideas behind some of 3.X's alternate magic systems. Their Psionic classes alone have enough variety that you can recreate the standard fighter, rogue, healer, caster setup with three different groups and the only thing that's likely to be the same is the healer, and one group's caster might be the same class as another group's fighter or rogue, but they'll all play differently.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I didn't switch, I branched out. Still playing 3.5 every now and then.

And I love all the supplements and think not using them is losing out on options :)

I too am playing both editions, but I do prefer Pathfinder on a personal level.


I started playing 3.x and just made the switch to Pathfinder in 2008 when it came out. I played a 4E a few times but I didn't care for it. I love the way that Paizo treats its customers and I don't mind all the supplements. I think the Adventure Paths are great.

I've played a lot of PFS and was a local Venture Captain. I admit there are some folks that are rules lawyers but I make sure that when I GM that I made the experience enjoyable for all the players.


My GM made the rules switch mid-campaign. I assumed that it was some inferior 3.5 clone without giving it a look. After that I never looked back, and I even switched to PF for the games I ran.

I was running a 3.5 game when PF came out, and PF was supposed to be backwards-compatible. I did think it cleaned up a few messy spots in the 3.x rules, although since making the change, I've found plenty of messy spots still remaining. We still have to pull out the book for grapples, for instance. Even though it was that compatibility that drew me in, we've left most of our 3.5 items behind. One player is still playing a Warlock. I let the others update as they pleased for the conversion. The rogue still has luck feats from either Complete Adventurer or Complete Scoundrel (I forget which). The Sorcerer still has the Draconic Heritage feat chain. Our Lurk/Illithid Hunter made some Franken-class from the Dreamscarred Press Psionics books. And since I relied heavily on PC Gen, I had to code a lot of the stuff from sourcebooks myself when we needed something. The OGL allowing LoneWolf to put everything Paizo does into Hero Lab has kept me satisfied on the software side. So, I came for the backwards compatibility, I stayed for the OGL.


There are a number of supporting reasons that have been mentioned here. Given that this is ENWorld's section of the Pathfinder world, I think it is also fair to mention that on ENWorld there is far more of a "home brewed" player /GM base here than on Paizo's message boards, so that can skew perspectives from the broader mass of PF players.

For me, there was one reason that trumped all others. Pathfinder Adventure Path switched to PF rules. I was a loyal subscriber and player/GM of PF AP. All else was secondary to this overarching reason.

The Adventure Path product and support lines are, far and away, the best reason to continue to play Pathfinder RPG. The support and cross-product promotions are the best in the business. Given Paizo's subscription and business model, that does not appear as if it is going to change, even now that WotC has returned with active competition.

If you have no interest in playing APs and your interest is in home brewed play, then other concerns may predominate in your decision tree. But if APs are something you enjoy playing in, running and reading, then your choice was really no choice at all.


If you have no interest in playing APs and your interest is in home brewed play, then other concerns may predominate in your decision tree. But if APs are something you enjoy playing in, running and reading, then your choice was really no choice at all.

While I strongly agree with your post, just FYI I have converted numerous Pathfinder APs and adventures to my homebrew. But homebrews don't really count in discussions like this.


First Post
That's what was being played. There was only one venue with any game being played that I could make it to on my days off. Pathfinder Society was what was being played so I played that. That's pretty much all there is to it.


First Post
The changes are subtle, but the overall effect is remarkable - PF is another game than 3.5.

This says it better than I could. I actually really dislike D&D 3.x.

I'm a former Rolemaster, Hero System, and the like, player. So crunch it is. And with all the material available, PF has turned into a jawbreaker.

Just the way I like it. :)

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