D&D 5E What new linages do you want?

OP here. Lots of great ideas, everyone. One I will throw into the mix is a ghost linage/template. I have no idea how it would work, but it would be cool.

The way this discussion is going I see picking your race as being two choices.

1) Pick your linage - human, elf, dwarf etc.
2) Pick your template - unchanged (you are your linage), anthropomorphic (animal person), awakened (tree, dog etc.), undead etc.

If rules could be figured out a linage or template for Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, Undead would be cool. Then you could play every type of creature.
I keep trying to adapt something out of Ghostwalk, but it doesnt work for me. :D

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OP here. Lots of great ideas, everyone. One I will throw into the mix is a ghost linage/template. I have no idea how it would work, but it would be cool.

The way this discussion is going I see picking your race as being two choices.

1) Pick your linage - human, elf, dwarf etc.
2) Pick your template - unchanged (you are your linage), anthropomorphic (animal person), awakened (tree, dog etc.), undead etc.

If rules could be figured out a linage or template for Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, Undead would be cool. Then you could play every type of creature.
Something I was playing around with was having each race have two +2 ASIs, one of which could be traded for a feat or could be traded for something like an elemental origin. This way you could have a mountain dwarf who was also a fire genasi.

1) Pick your linage - human, elf, dwarf etc.
2) Pick your template - unchanged (you are your linage), anthropomorphic (animal person), awakened (tree, dog etc.), undead etc.
Expanding on the unchanged template idea, if you choose this you are a paragon of your race. You are the dwarfest dwarf that ever dwarfed. The Elfest elf that ever elfed. etc. This would be great for people who really want to fully explore what a race can do.

Using the dwarf as an example and adopting the 1,3,5 system.

Level 1 - You have proficiency in heavy armour and traditional dwarven weapons.
Level 3 - You get the heavy armour mastery feat for free
Level 5 - You are a paragon of your race. You have advantage on all interactions when dealing with dwarves.

Templates would be another good idea. I mean, its not like we haven't seen examples of such things in 5E before. Blue Rose 5E has the "Shadow" template and technically in a way Lycanthrope and Vampirism are also a bit of "templates" as well. Even though both have their own kind of "baggage" though in making it work via standard non-third party 5E supplements.

One I will throw into the mix is a ghost linage/template. I have no idea how it would work, but it would be cool.
I actually have a homebrew "Ghost-touched" race, called the Fehntüm, with the Reborn lineage's Deathless Nature, that can turn incorporeal and gain a fly speed for 1 minute (like a Shifter's Shifting feature, Gem Dragonborn's fly speed feature, and an Aasimar's transforming feature).

I wouldn't mind a Harpy race. But then I use the Sirens from Odyssey of the Dragonlords for that. Same thing just refluffed. And yes I would second a Hengeyokai Race/Lineage as well. Although, that's probably because I REALLY want a Kitsune race. And aside from not knowing how to work the whole Nine-Tails aspect of it, I'm probably just refluffing a Half-Elf for that as well.
I usually go with "one tail per highest level spell you can cast," since the tails are usually correlated with magical power. But if you want to go traditional, it's one extra tail per 100 years of life.

Yeah, you can't 1:1 this from the show without a DM who will absolutely won't gank you for playing one.

Maybe a slow effect at night with an AC boost, and a restoration effect on long rest? Like if you got perma HP loss, it wears off?
Also, there are a lot of DMs who run long rests weekly, rather than daily. In that resting system, the hit point recovery after being stone is a much bigger boon.

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