D&D 5E What new linages do you want?

Mine would be gargoyles ala Disney's. I don't think it would be so hard either, with gliding, inactive night mode, climb speed, claws and some superstrength abilities like carry strength or a knockback ability.
FYI, the DM Guild product Heroes of the Mists has a "dread gargoyle" PC race that is pretty clearly inspired by Disney's Gargoyles (though it's also positioned as a Ravenloft-themed replacement for dragonborn). I modified it further for our homebrew campaign world, making it more Disney and less dragonborn, and would be happy to share it with you directly. (No stone sleep, but I kinda sorta nod to it in an optional racial feat.)

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I dunno if I saw it as a GURPS alien species or some other RPG's or one of those famous alien catalog books. But an alien species that had a slick almost serpent like shape but was hard to pin down because large parts of it would slip in and out of higher dimensions. You only ever saw a weird 3d slice of a higher dimensional form.

I wan't an lineage like that, but fantasy, or spelljammer, maybe it has parts that fade into and out of many other planes of existince.

I dunno if I saw it as a GURPS alien species or some other RPG's or one of those famous alien catalog books. But an alien species that had a slick almost serpent like shape but was hard to pin down because large parts of it would slip in and out of higher dimensions. You only ever saw a weird 3d slice of a higher dimensional form.

I wan't an lineage like that, but fantasy, or spelljammer, maybe it has parts that fade into and out of many other planes of existince.
The Traders, from GURPS Aliens. They had ships that were bigger on the inside and had decided they were all named Joe. (Yes, a race of Trader Joes)

OP here. Lots of great ideas, everyone. One I will throw into the mix is a ghost linage/template. I have no idea how it would work, but it would be cool.

The way this discussion is going I see picking your race as being two choices.

1) Pick your linage - human, elf, dwarf etc.
2) Pick your template - unchanged (you are your linage), anthropomorphic (animal person), awakened (tree, dog etc.), undead etc.

If rules could be figured out a linage or template for Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, Undead would be cool. Then you could play every type of creature.
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