Silvercat Moonpaw
That would be nice.What about a small Songbird race? Like Halflings with wings?

That would be nice.What about a small Songbird race? Like Halflings with wings?
- Aranea
- Octopoids
- Fungusfolk
- Flying Monkeys!!!!
A little more outre...
- pure Energy beings of some sort (I'm envisioning these in a corporeal "shell," like Vorlons or something)
- Sentient swarms (of insect-ish things)
- Origami construct beings (shapeshifters, more focused on assuming "object" qualities than animal qualities)
- higher-Dimensional beings (eg, with dimension door abilities, "ranged" touches, maybe some time-hopping?)
And also
- Flying monkeys!!!!
I disagree. One of the recurring personalities in my products is Fleabag, and they are quite pleasantbut gnolls are not good bois
You might be interested in a 3E supplement called Savage Species... It might give you some inspiration....
If Wizards of the Coast wanted to be more daring, they could create a way for you to choose your animal person. ...
Maybe a playable Harpy race? Or Penguinfolk?I would like one more Bird Person race so we can have a D&D Party of 4 with all different birds. Right now we have Aaracokra, Kenku, and Owlin...
What about a small Songbird race? Like Halflings with wings?