What System For...?

Thanks. Never heard of those games, but quick google search tells me it might be just the thing i need. Yeah, they are more modern in setting, but if they have rules for submachine guns and bolt actions, i can work with that. Gonna look up more about that games.
I just finished playing an 11 month campaign of Twilight: 2000 and I think it could do what you're looking for. I like it a lot.

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Gamma World.

Love the premise. But can't find a version of it that I like.

What I do want: An apocalypse set among futuristic ruins with the PCs starting at Dark Ages technology. No sense of what lies beyond the horizon except for strange rumors. Travel and exploration is dangerous but not punishing. Mutants--humans, animals, and plants. Science fictional technology. A sense of growing more powerful over time, both through mutations and also through discovering high technology.

What I don't want: A silly tone or a bleak tone. I don't want to play a version of GW based on AD&D rules, or with the complexity of 3E, or the grid of 4E. Mutant Year Zero has an awesome vibe but PCs are a bit underpowered--it's closer in tone to survival horror, even with mutations. Numenera nails it with the cyphers and relics but the Steadfast is too civilized and safe.
If you don't mind OSR rules, Mutant Future is a great version of GW through the lense of B/X.

Failing that, use generic/universal/multi genre game of your choice. GURPS would be perfect: Core Rules, Low Tech, Ultra Tech. Done.

What I do want: An apocalypse set among futuristic ruins with the PCs starting at Dark Ages technology. No sense of what lies beyond the horizon except for strange rumors. Travel and exploration is dangerous but not punishing. Mutants--humans, animals, and plants. Science fictional technology. A sense of growing more powerful over time, both through mutations and also through discovering high technology.
Hmm. I was under the impression that Mutant Year Zero powered up the PCs a little in the expansions, but I may be wrong, my experience is close to nil. And there are still survival elements, so maybe not.

How little crunch is acceptable? There's Tiny d6 Wastelands, which is compatible with most of the other Tiny d6 systems and could be easily kludged to add whatever elements you decide are missing. Probably not what you're after right out of the gate even if it isn't too light, though.

Other Dust might be worth a look. It's related to Stars Without Number and assumes a very high pre-Collapse tech level, but it might have what you're after. Maybe supplement it with Dead Names (that's not a great title...) for exotic tech ruin generation assistance?

Since you like Cypher, couldn't you just use Numenera and just start the PCs in some custom location that's less safe and less explored?


This is a fun thread!
My game concept is Kaiju with human PCs that's basically a Godzilla movie. I've run a few games like this in the past as one-shots, usually with a lot of homebrewing and hacking. I usually allow the players to control giant monsters in monster battle scenes (sometimes hilariously working at odds against their human characters).

Like I said, games are usually one-shots, and the tone is fairly campy, so I'm not looking for anything with a high investment cost or something that's too crunchy.

Systems I've used in the past before:
  • HERO/Champions, but I find it too crunchy
  • Call of Cthulhu (yes, this took a lot of hacking)
  • Savage Worlds (I found the dice mechanics didn't fit the genre well)

Thoughts, ideas? Thanks in advance!


This is a fun thread!
My game concept is Kaiju with human PCs that's basically a Godzilla movie. I've run a few games like this in the past as one-shots, usually with a lot of homebrewing and hacking. I usually allow the players to control giant monsters in monster battle scenes (sometimes hilariously working at odds against their human characters).

Like I said, games are usually one-shots, and the tone is fairly campy, so I'm not looking for anything with a high investment cost or something that's too crunchy.

Systems I've used in the past before:
  • HERO/Champions, but I find it too crunchy
  • Call of Cthulhu (yes, this took a lot of hacking)
  • Savage Worlds (I found the dice mechanics didn't fit the genre well)

Thoughts, ideas? Thanks in advance!
That sounds like a blast.

Maybe something Fate, just for the purpose of imposing Aspects on the environment every time a kaiju stomps or breathes rads or whatever.


One I have been thinking about is a post apocalyptic game set long after the Robot Uprising. The PCs are themselves recently (re)awakened robots that have to make their way in a world full of EXTREMELY anti-robot mutant humans. The interesting mechanical bit is that the robots do not "level" in any way, but they can upgrade by bolting on robot parts they find. Essentially, it is gear only advancement. There would be "classes" though composed on a) the original chassis of the robot PC, and b) their original programming -- neither of which can be changed. But just because you were a rikshaw frame medbot doesn't mean you can't bolt on a particle beam cannon if you find one...


That sounds like a blast.

Maybe something Fate, just for the purpose of imposing Aspects on the environment every time a kaiju stomps or breathes rads or whatever.
I appreciate the suggestion... I've thought about using it in the past, but for some reason I bounce off Fate every time I've tried it!


I appreciate the suggestion... I've thought about using it in the past, but for some reason I bounce off Fate every time I've tried it!
Yeah, that happens a lot with Fate. It is one of those game that really benefits from playing with someone who both really gets it and is evangelical about it.

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