What was your first module?


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What was the first module you ever went thru?

Mine was B1 In Search of the Unknown.

My poor magic user, Glom the Mighty, died in the second room. :\

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Not sure if it counts but I ran most of the first Darksun arc-

Road to Urik
Arcane Shadows

never did do Dragon Crown..... :\


Clangador said:
What was the first module you ever went thru?

Mine was B1 In Search of the Unknown.

My poor magic user, Glom the Mighty, died in the second room. :\
Oh, you think that's bad? Our first module was B2... and not knowing any better we attacked the Keep.

Guess how well that went.

"You see a guard with 2 gold pieces."

"I attack him with my longsword."
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First Post
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the Dragonlance ones. Can't recall which one, but I definitely remember one of the pre-gen PCs being a selfish mercenary fighter type with a Nine Lives Stealer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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